15| Girlfriend

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"Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason"

"Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason"

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"I'll pick you up at seven" I told her, pulling up at her house
"Okay, where are you going?" She asked curiously
"Just to check on a few things, I'll be back by seven, I promise" I smiled.

She nodded, leaning across and kissing me before she got out
Every time she kissed me it felt like the first time
Like my skin was on fire and my chest felt all... tingly and weird.

I waited until her front door closed before I drove off, I didn't like lying to her, but some things just had to be done
And Ryder had finally found the guy stupid enough to mug her.

So I was going to go and take care of it, in order to take care of her.

I loved taking care of her
Being there to protect her, I even carried around one of her inhalers just in case she ever needed it.

"Don't you ever, ever, go near her again!" I shouted, kicking him repeating in the stomach as he lay groaning on the floor
"I swear I didn't even know who she was" he groaned
I crouched down, taking the knife out my pocket and flicking the blade up.

I trailed it over his face, before I rammed it in his cheek
"Argh..." he cried in pain
"Fucking hell" Ryder shouted, he was stood by the window, waiting in case anyone came.

"Where's her stuff?" I asked, he didn't answer, he just kept groaning, blood pouring from his cheek, I slowly pulled the knife back out
"Where is it?" I shouted over his cries
"Mate come on, you ain't getting anything out of him, he can barely fucking speak now" Ryder whined.

I stood up, giving him one last kick in the face before heading to the door
Ryder followed after me, leaving that prick to bleed for all I care
"What the fuck was that?" Ryder asked, walking behind me
"Leave it" I said.

"You just stabbed a guy through the fac-"
"I said leave it!" I shouted over my shoulder, pulling my hood up and putting my hands in my pocket to hide the blood
"How deep in this shit are you? Stabbing a guy cause he mugged your girl?" Ryder shouted.

"Shut the fuck up" I hissed, pushing him against the wall of the bridge as were walking under
"Stop fucking shouting, or I might as well just call the police up and tell them myself" I seethed.

He shoved me away, glaring at me slightly
"You stabbed him. You've barely been around since you've had your dick in her" he said
"Oh fuck off Ryder, you hurt people everyday, you've got more blood on your hands than me" I said defensively.

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