9| Police

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"Your hands are scarred from murder, and yet I trust them completely"

"Your hands are scarred from murder, and yet I trust them completely"

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"Your clothes..." I trailed off
He looked down, silent for a moment before he grimaced slightly
"You uh... you were kinda sick on me" he said after a moment
"Really?" I asked horrified.

I had never once been sick in all of my drunken nights... I can't believe I had done that.
"I- I am so sorry" I apologised. Oh my god I'm so fucking embarrassed
"It's fine, it was all worth it in the end" he smiled
"What do you mean?" I asked
"The kiss?..." he trailed off, watching my face for a reaction.

It was then that it flashed in my head, I kissed him. Oh god I kissed him
"Knox I- I'm so sorry" I said again, his brows furrowed as he frowned at me
"Sorry for what?" He asked
"For- well for kissing you, I'm sorry I was just drunk... and I don't want to lose you as a friend just cause of a stupid fucking kiss" I rambled desperately.

I liked Knox, maybe a bit more than a friend should
But it wasn't long since I broke up with Maddox
And I didn't know if Knox even liked me like that.

"Stupid?" He echoed
"Please can we... can we just forget about it? I don't want to lose you Knox" I asked
I didn't want him to think I was a creep trying to kiss him drunkenly
He was silent. Completely silent. His eyes downcast on the bed
"Yeah... sure" he said simply, getting up from the bed.

"Knox?" I asked unsurely
He just kept walking towards the window
"Knox?" I asked again. He stopped, staring out into the garden before going to the door instead, clearly deciding to leave
Why did he go to the window?
"Knox?" I shouted, rushing after him.

"I gotta go" He mumbled
"What? I- I thought maybe we could go have breakfast or something?" I asked, it was Sunday after all, and I wanted to hang out with him more.

"I got stuff to do, I'll uh, I'll call you later" He grumbled
"But you..." the front door shut
"Don't have my number" I sighed.


She fucking regrets it!
"She. Fucking. Regrets. It!" I shouted, punching a hole in my bedroom wall
I do all this. All this for her
And she fucking apologised for kissing me.

She's just confused. She just doesn't realise what she wants yet. And she wants me. I know she does
I just have to give her a gentle push.

But before that, I had to get rid of the bloody clothes from last night
I grabbed the bag from the wardrobe and went into the back garden, heading out into the forest behind my house.

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