34| You always will be

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You always will be

"I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you"

"I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you"

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"Knox" I breathed out
"Marigold" he smiled softly
I didn't know what to say. Actually sitting here now, in front of him.
With his knuckles indented in my arms and his baby in my stomach... I had no words.

I'm sure I looked horrible, I'd refrained from looking in a mirror ever since I got out the hospital.
The purple marks on my skin were slowly blossoming into yellow.

"You look so beautiful" he murmured
I felt my breath get caught in my throat again.
"What?" I asked
"You..." he mumbled, putting his hand up against the glass
"You look so... beautiful. So soft" he smiled.

"Knox" I said simply, watching him close his eyes for a moment
"Say it again" he said. I felt sick. So fucking sick that he was revelling in my presence
Whereas I was drowning in his.

"We need to talk" I said, trying to get what I needed so I could leave
"Yeah..." he said, lowering his hand slowly
"We do" his gaze trailing down to my stomach
I swallowed hard, all the fear, all the nerves, every punch he'd threw me, I pushed it all deep down.

"Where are your parents?" I asked, his face dropped, and he was silent for a moment.
"What?" He asked
"Your parents, Maddox, where are they?" I asked
"Why do you care about him?" He asked.

"It's not for me. You need to tell me" I said, trying to stand firm
His eyes trailed all over my face
"Just... them?" He asked
I furrowed my brows at his question
"What do you mean?" I asked.

He smiled
"I mean. Do you just want to know about those ones?" He asked
"There... there are others?" I asked
He cocked his head to the side, thinking...

"I love you Marigold" he said
I felt my eyes flicker, the mere notion made me sick
"And I want to get out one day, so I'm sorry, but I can't tell you anything. Not here" he said, shaking his head.

I sighed, trying to remain calm
"Knox, you... you're not getting out. Not in a few years, not ever" I tried to explain.
"You killed... Ruby, you imprisoned me. They know you've killed your parents, they just don't know where to find them. In cases like this, there's a high chance they can charge you without bodies" I said.

He shook his head
"As long as I'm on my best behaviour, I'll do a few years" he explained
"Then... I'll be with you. You and the baby" he said
I tried my hardest not to cry. My eyes stung with the fear threatening to spill from my eyes.

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