1| Pink Beauty

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Pink Beauty

"My heart is so full of you, I can hardly call it my own" -Liana Rãdulescu

"My heart is so full of you, I can hardly call it my own"                          -Liana Rãdulescu

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"Come on Knox, we're not waiting around all night" my mom called from downstairs
I rolled my eyes
"Coming" I shouted, fixing my tie in the mirror
The mirror being one of the only things I had unpacked so far, the rest of my things were still boxed up around the floor.

We'd only been moved in one day and we were already going out for the night
We'd moved here for my parents job, leaving the house I grew up in and everything else behind.

I wasn't complaining though
That house was full of haunting memories I wish I could forget
And it wasn't like I was leaving any friends behind, I only had 2, one was living in Australia now, pursuing a football scholarship and the other was living in this very town.

Ryder Elvy, an idiot but he was like me, hated mostly everyone and kept to himself
"Knox!" My dad shouted, fuck sake
"Coming!" I shouted again, kicking the boxes out the way as I trudged down the stairs.

We were off to some bullshit charity event, the company they work for was holding the event, so naturally we had to dress up and act polite for an evening.
Fuck that. I planned on just hiding away somewhere as soon as we got there.

I got to the bottom of the stairs to see mum and dad. Or my tormentors as I like to call them
They could dress up and smile all they wanted, but I knew them.
I knew the mom who abandoned me for 5 years while she was off doing drugs and having a breakdown.

I knew the dad who hit me every time he was drunk and locked me away when he couldn't be bothered to deal with me
But that was all over. Apparently
They were changed people. More like monsters with masks on
"You look lovely darling" mum said to me, I ignored her, walking out the door to get in the car.

Mom was dressed like a proper lady, black hair tied up and makeup gracing her features, as though she wasn't a crack whore in her youth
Dad was dressed in a black suit, gelled back hair, rings on his fingers
Rings I'd had imprints of throughout my childhood.

We drove to the venue in silence
And when we did get there, some prissy annoying girl greeted us at the door
"Welcome Mr and Mrs Carson, here are your programmes for the evening" she said, walking along side us as we were shown to the theatre room
That's right... we had to sit through some shitty ballet concert before we even got to the mingling and coaxing money from people.

The girl left us at the doors, but not without giving me a wink
I scowled at her, girls always did this, threw themselves at me without having any self respect. It was disgusting.

It's not like I was a gift from god. I'm not. I didn't exactly revell in it when some girl uninvitedly came onto me.

We sat down and I took a look around, everyone here was old, snobby or plain stupid.
But a flash of pink caught my attention
I looked back and it was like my whole world stopped. This girl... she was something else
She wasn't paying any attention to her surroundings, her eyes were set on the stage as she smiled.

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