6| Soon

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"And I was in the darkness, so darkness I became"

"And I was in the darkness, so darkness I became"

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The evenings were always the same, wherever we lived.
Mom and dad would fuck off out somewhere to meet their high class friends
And I'd have the house to myself. All alone
I never really knew what to do with myself before.

But now... now I had photos, pictures of my lovely Marigold to look at
I had her right across the street to go and visit.
I had little things of hers now from her room, little trinkets she wouldn't notice were missing.

But I couldn't go and see her tonight, I already risked letting Ryder take care of that dickhead Axel
I had to just lay low tonight, stay in, I'd see her tomorrow, I just had to wait. Go to sleep.

"No... no! Stop!"
I woke up gasping for air, shuffling away from the nightmares in my head
I hit the lamp with my arm, knocking it off the table as I fell to the floor again
My chest was heaving, sweat dripping down my forehead as my bedroom door swung open, the light flickering on as my dad stood in the doorway.

"What the fuck Knox?! It's 3am" he said annoyed, storming around the bed towards me
I still couldn't breathe, I couldn't see very clearly either as he gripped my throat, pulling me up against the wall
"Shut the fuck up. Or I'll shut you up for you" he warned, tightening his grip.

I nodded, groaning on the floor as he dropped me and stormed out, shutting the light off with him
Fuck, I clawed at my neck, trying my hardest to calm down. Just think of something. Something calm.

The nightmares aren't real. None of its real. He doesn't do it anymore
At least. Not the way he used to.
The beatings, burnings, the verbal abuse.

I've been thinking
And thinking and thinking. All fucking night after I calmed down
Maybe I should keep a closer eye on Marigold.
I didn't realise how many other guys actually wanted her.
Well they can't. She's mine. She's perfect for me and I'm perfect for her.

Maybe I should get a camera. For her room or something. Just to keep an eye on her.

"Knox, come on you'll be late" mom shouted, I sighed, getting up and getting dressed
I looked in the mirror, I had finger prints bruised onto my neck. Fucking bastard
I sighed
Another day in fucking hell. At least Axel won't be there bothering my sweet Marigold.
And I now get to share a car ride with her everyday.

"Sweetheart, don't forget your pills" mom reminded, holding the little white bottle out for me
I took them from her, leaving the house without a word to her. I hated it
I hated how she acted like she gave a shit after years and years of abandoning me.

✖️Monomania✖️(COMPLETED) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora