19| Love

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"I don't care if I fall in love with a devil, as long as that devil will love me the way he loves hell"

"I don't care if I fall in love with a devil, as long as that devil will love me the way he loves hell"

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She needed to go, she had to.
She was trying to take me away from my baby
I can't describe the complete anger I was feeling right now
How fucking dare she interfere in my life?
Go in my room and take all my stuff
All my flower's stuff.

I can't let her tear us apart.

So I kicked her as hard as I could in the head, so she'd just... stay still
"Argh" she cried, cradling her head in her arms as I trailed into the kitchen.
I slowly pulled a knife from the rack on the side, looking back at her.

She was rolling back and forth in agony, well what about my pain?
What about all the pain I'd feel when she takes my flower away from me?
The knife worked for Maddox.

She looked up at me, blood trailing down her head
"Knox... K- Knox?" She stuttered warily
I could see it, the fear in her eyes sink in when her gaze fell on the knife in my hand.

And I- I liked it...
I liked seeing her scared, she should be
They all think I'm nothing, I'm nobody
They think they can treat me however they want and act like terrible people
That they can beat me, burn me, neglect me and karma won't come back on them?

"Knox, what are you doing..." she asked, blinking tightly, she obviously couldn't see straight...
"Protecting my flower" I said simply
"Flower?" She asked confused
"Yeah..." I began, crouching down beside her.

"Marigold is mine. She gets me, she's the only one that actually gets me, she understands me and she cannot leave me" I explained calmly
"But it's not rig-"
"I don't care!" I shouted, raising my knife and stabbing her in the chest, cutting her off.

She screamed, so I clamped my hand over her mouth, swinging the knife back and forth again and again
Stabbing her over and over
Everything came out, all the rage, all the built up neglect.

I hated her. I want her gone
And in that moment, when I watched her bleed out onto the floor, I realised something
I wanted rid of her whether she was a threat to my flower or not
And dad... I wanted them both gone.

I wanted them dead. I wanted them to suffer.

I took mom upstairs, dropping her against her wardrobe in their room and shutting the door
Out of sight out of mind
But when I had gotten back downstairs I couldn't have been more pissed off.

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