3| The boyfriend

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The boyfriend

"We are all broken, that's how the light gets in"
-Ernest Hemingway

"We are all broken, that's how the light gets in"-Ernest Hemingway

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What does she even see in him?
He's been fucking around in that garage for around 2 hours now, laughing, joking and doing barely any work.

I pulled up a while ago, I parked across the street so he wouldn't see me.
"See ya tomorrow" he called to the other guys, hopping in his shitty car and heading down the street.

I started my car back up, following him as he drove through town
I wanted to know where he went after work, what he did, who his friends were
I needed to know every aspect of his life to get him out of Marigold's.

He stopped by 2 houses, both I assumed were friends, before heading a few streets over from my Marigold and stopping in front of a posh looking house
He didn't even knock, simply opened the door and let himself in.

I waited... and waited
Until I caught a glimpse of movement in the living room window
I got out my car, discreetly moving over to the window and peeking in
And there was the doting boyfriend, banging a blonde girl against the dining room table with his trousers round his ankles.

So... he really isn't good enough for her
I knew that anyway, but now I had proof
But Marigold would need proof
She'd need to see that he wasn't right for her, that she deserved better than him
That she'd be better off with me.

So I took my phone out and took a few photos, much to my disdain but Marigold would need to see for herself
After that I got back in my car and went back to Ryder's.

"You done it?" I asked, walking into his room
He nodded from his desk, motioning to the bed where the laptop sat
I nodded back, picking it up and going to leave
"Wait... what's it for?" He asked, swivelling round in his chair to face me.

"Nothing just... security" I shrugged
"On your pretty neighbour?" He laughed, saying it in a childish voice
"Don't call her that" I grumbled
"You disagree?" He asked
"No, just don't like you saying it" I said annoyed.

"Ah I get it... you do have a crush" he laughed
"No, I just- fuck off" I said, leaving his room.

I put her laptop back where I found it, there were still no cars in the driveway so no one was home yet, I took another look around
Her dressing table was messy and her closet was thrown open, from where she'd gotten ready this morning.

"Sweetheart I'm home" I heard from downstairs. Shit. Her mom was home.
I pushed her window open, climbing back out the way I came in, before quickly climbing down the tree into her garden.

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