26| Onto you

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Onto you

"That kid is never coming back"

"That kid is never coming back"

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Marigold has been... better... these past few days
She eats. She sleeps. She makes conversation with me
And I know it's not the way it used to be, but it's a step in the right direction.

I'd removed Ruby's body before she came back downstairs after her shower
She keeps asking where she is
And I won't tell her
The truth is... she's in the garage
In the boot of my car, wrapped up in plastic.

I didn't know what to do with her
Burying bodies was getting tiring
And people won't stop messaging her phone
She's been 'missing' for 3 days now, but I've not heard any police reports.

As far as I gathered she lived with her mom, so maybe she wasn't home yet.
Maybe she didn't care. Maybe she was looking but didn't want to involve the police
Either way she had been texting her, calling her
Leaving messages.

The voicemails sounded drunk. Messy.

Ruby was more popular than I gave her credit for though
Aella has also been calling Marigold a lot, it's hard enough to bullshit her mom everyday let alone lie to Aella as well.

Why couldn't everyone just leave us alone?
"Dinner" I said simply, dropping a kiss to her forehead as I passed into the kitchen
She was sat by the fire, reading.
She was so... quiet
She always was now.

I hated it. I wanted her to smile and laugh and tell me how much she loves me.
That I'm her everything and she can't wait for us to be together properly
Marriage... kids.

A life. Just us.
I heard her trail in quietly just as I sent a text to Aella, before dropping the phone in the kitchen drawer and locking it again
"What's... what's this?" She asked, looking around
I hadn't let her in for hours, not until I made sure every thing was perfect.

Just like her
"I made us dinner, so we could... reconnect" I said, looking over the candles and the flowers
Marigolds. Sitting in the middle of the table, all for her
"Oh" she said simply, staring at it blankly.

I sighed
"You want to go get dressed? Then we'll eat" I said, she looked at me briefly, before back at the table
"I am dressed" she said softly, voice timid as my shirt drowned her
"I mean into something... more romantic, hm baby?" I suggested.

I loved her in any way, shape or form
But this was supposed to be a date of sorts
I had dressed up for her, I wanted to see her revert back to her beautiful cute self
She hesitated for a moment, before nodding, and wandering out the room to the staircase.

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