Taking a beating

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Chapter 14

Bella's POV

My eyes open really slowly and somehow I know it's going to be a good day. This is the first good sleep I've had in like a week. I really enjoyed yesterday night with Jamie, I'm going to call him and say we'll meet up -and I'm gonna kiss him. I don't know why I'm really sure that I want to do this, especially after yesterday of being really unsure and not wanting to go ahead and plunge into the kiss. Today is a good day and I'm not going to let anyone or anything destroy my good mood, and that's why I'm going to kiss him, I'm going to do this without thinking about it too much because I know that I'll back out if I overthink.

I open my phone, new messages, yup.

Ew, ew: Bella, you're not responding. I want to know if you're still up for the offer?

Ew, ew: Helloooo, you wanna have sex with me or no?

I roll my eyes in disgust straight away and tap the icon to block the number. I can't fucking believe this goat sucking tit idiot. Why on Earth would I have sex with him? If he and his dog were the last beings on this Earth, I'd rather have sex with his dog for free than have sex with him even if he gave a million dollars.

Mom: Hi, honey, you know how we spoke about extending my honeymoon? Well, I got it extended, only for additional three days because they had everything else booked in for other people, but still, we're very happy, I hope you don't mind. I'll call you later, Mom xx

Good for them, I'm really glad my mom is enjoying herself and being all happy and excited to be with George, but at the same time, it's only been like 5 days and I miss her already. Another 12 days to go and I'll see my mom.

Just as I'm about to get up from my bed and go into the bathroom to jump into the shower and start getting ready, I get a call from Camila.

I pop my phone on the closet with the towels and put my phone on speaker, "Hieeee!" I greet my best friend.

"Wow, someone's in a good mood, what's your problem?"

I laugh at her response, "Yeah I am actually, I had a great date yesterday, you good? Why you calling so early in the morning, shouldn't you be like... running or something?"

"Ughhh, I'm in a crisis and I don't know who to talk to, Bonnie said she's meeting Danny for breakfast and I don't judge her, she's got so much on her plate right now, I don't wanna drown her in my drama." she croaks out tiredly.

"Oh my God, you're still in bed?" I exclaim. What the hell, normally she would be having her morning soy latte or something.

"Yeah, I just woke up and spoke to Bonnie, she's already outside, so I'm calling you. Can you meet me at Starbucks in like an hour or so?" She sadly asks.

As if Bonnie is outside already, "Errm, I was actually going to call Jamie right now and see if he wants -you know what? Never mind. Yeah, I've got time." I cut myself off and change subject when I hear nothing from her but silence.

"So you'll be there?" She exclaims back in excitement.

"Yeah, I'll be there." I reply.

"Okay. Dress homeless please, I'm dying on the inside and out." she states giving me a warning.

I mentally facepalm myself, I was going to dress up cute because I'm having a good day and said nothing it ruin it for me, "Count on it." I say as I hang up the phone.

I dial Jamie's number anyway, I wanna hear his voice. "Heyyy!" I smile into the phone like an idiot, thank God he can't see me right now, I'm sitting on the toilet, peeing.

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