We can't tell her

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Chapter 30

Simon's POV

"I slept with her."

"You what?" Ron blurts out, but I can see it in his eyes that he's secretly trying to tell me he's proud of me.

I sigh whilst gently punching the wall next to me, "It's not like that Ron, she's different. I actually like her."

"Okay well talk to her, she's probably just freaking out. Before me and Camila got together, she was all over the place and I was terrified, because you know me, I don't play about with virgins, they complicate shit. But then everything fell into place on it's own."

"When I woke up she was gone and I don't know where she went. She's not responding to any of my texts or calls."

I don't know what to do, but I finally know what he feels like to be left hanging in the morning. Usually it's me leaving the girl I just fucked, blocking her socials etc. but I guess karma really does have it's way around everyone.

I was going to grab breakfast and everything, which again, is something I never do.

"What the hell am I supposed to do Ron? Did I screw up?" I ask, genuinely wanting help.

"She'll come around, give her time."

I decided to listen to his advice and go home, researching some of the local motels that went bankrupt.

I start emailing a bunch of owners, asking to cut a deal. Maybe I'll get lucky this time.

I'm still a bit light headed from yesterday's party, I was a little more drunk that I admitted yesterday, so I decide to take some pills to help me with my throbbing head and take a nap.

That's before I see a text message from Bella.

Celine❤️: Meet me at the south peer? Need to talk

I quickly put a white t-shirt over my head, grabbing my keys from my night stand, heading out.

When I get to the beach, I see her sitting on the sand, knees to her chest, looking at the waves.

"I take it you didn't invite me over for a date." I tease trying to cut the tension.

Her head swiftly turns around to the sound of my voice. She doesn't have her usual bronze colour, she's a little bit pale, her hair is messy and unbrushed, and she's wearing shades, blocking me from seeing her eyes.

With all that being said, she still welcomes me with a smile.

I sit besides her, looking in the same direction as she is, the sea. I know exactly why she brought me here, but I don't think she can find the words to start, quite frankly, I don't have any either.

I don't know if this upcoming conversation will bring good or bad news.

"Do you want me to start or do you want me to give you a minute?" I suggest when I glance back at her, finding it hard not to laugh right now.

She stays silent for a while, then her lips part.

"I've written you a letter about what it is I wanted to say to you." she doesn't even look at me once, instead she takes out a folded paper from her pocket, handing it to me.

I unfold the letter about four times before I actually get to the message.

I understand that what happened yesterday

was clearly a mistake.

By the time you'll be reading this, 

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