Hello brother...

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Chapter 34

Simon's POV

I can't stop thinking about the text.

Ever since I saw it, I haven't been thinking about anything else. I can't get it out of my head.

Have I just been reading her wrong all this time or am I just an idiot completely?

Thinking she's not like anyone else I've ever met, but maybe she's exactly like the rest.

All this thinking is making me go insane and I can't take it. I step out of my car and lock it, walking straight over to her front door, knocking on it, then regretting it because they're all probably sleeping, including Bella.

Seconds later my phone vibrates inside my pocket and I see a message from Bella.

Celine❤️: Was that you knocking? There's a car in our driveway that looks exactly like yours.

I take three steps back and look up to see her on the window in her avocado pyjamas. I casually wave at her and she immediately shoots me a smile, gesturing to me with her finger that she'll be one minute.

I blow out some air when I hear the locks turn and the door opening not long after.

As soon as the door opens enough to reveal her, her smile alone makes my head spin.

God I hope I'm wrong.

"Hey, what are you doing here at this hour? I thought you were sleeping."

"I was supposed to be yeah, but I couldn't, I have a lot on my mind right now." I truthfully say. I don't even know if that's a great way to start the conversation but it's what came into my mouth, so I'm rolling with it.

"Is that why you drove to see me at almost three in the morning?" she jokingly says, probably thinking that me coming out with 'I have a lot on my mind' is just an excuse to see her again today.

I sorely laugh not knowing how to continue this conversation, "Not to sound too stalkerish but I've been sitting in front of your house for at least half an hour before actually realising it's best to just talk to you."

"That doesn't sound stalkerish whatsoever." she sarcastically responds.

"I saw a text message on your phone earlier tonight." I blurt out.

"Oh-kaaay, ummm..."

"Okay? That's all you have to say about that?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I'm confused. You saw a what now?"

I roll my eyes at her, "Fuck sake, are you seriously going to play that game?"

"No, I'm being genuine, what message did you see because I'm lost here."

"It was a message from a guy who happens to be from New York, I'm guessing, telling you how much he's been thinking about you. So just be honest with me, are you going out with me as well as talking to other guys?" I ask, afraid to get an answer and she laughs.

She fucking laughs.


"That message was from Jamie. You know, your friend."

So she's admitting that she's still talking to him.

"And as far as I know, we left our relationship -or whatever it was- right along when his foot stepped onto the plane, so I have no idea why he messaged me that, but there's nothing going on between us," she shakes her head, "look I even have the proof to show you! I messaged him back saying I've moved on and he needs to do that too." she tries showing me her phone and I instantly look away.

Summer with Simon AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now