Prank wars pt.2

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Chapter 11

Bella's POV

It's easy saying that yesterday was just a prank and I should probably leave it and move on. But the thing is, I don't quit and paybacks are kinda my specialities.

Yes, I hid his keys.

No, I didn't know he needs them so bad.

Am I giving them up so easily? Hell naw.

After a couple of minutes arguing with Simon and him trying to convince me to tell him where the keys are by saying he'll buy me Choco Taco's, I've decided to ignore him and go into my bedroom to call my mom, it's been a while now.

Today I picked out a casual black dress. I say a dress but it's more like a long vest top that I kinda decided to call a dress, goes just above my lower thighs, pair it up with my favourite black vans and I'm ready to go anywhere and everywhere.

I open my suede mini-velvet backpack to take my phone out and start FaceTiming my mom. She picks up within two rings, greeting me with a smile, George besides her, sunbathing.

"Hi honey!" she shouts from excitement.

I laugh before greeting both of them too, "Hi guys, hows your honeymoon going?" I make casual conversations.

"Oh my god honey, it's beautiful! Me and George can't get enough of it. Honestly, if it weren't for you, we'd gladly extend it." 

I frown upon her last sentence that she probably wasn't supposed to say out loud, "Mom, you know I don't have a problem with that, I'm glad you're both enjoying yourselves, it's been so long since you both went somewhere together, just the two of you, so if you're really liking it in there that much, stay! I can always ask Mrs A if I could stay a little longer, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind anyway." I truthfully say.

My mom face palms herself before shaking her head, "No, honey, that's not what I meant-"

"Mom, I know you didn't. I know you miss me, just as much as I miss you, but I'm really glad you're finally happy. Extend your god damn honeymoon otherwise I'm not speaking to you for the rest of it." I say in a laugh.

A heart warming smile appears on her lips, eyes beaming with joy, "I love you, Bella, you don't even know how much."

"I love you too, mom." I whisper back.

"Well, I'm not saying I'm extending it right now because that'll take some discussing with George and the travel agency back home, so I will let you know on that one," she says and I nod, "How are you doing anyway? I hope you're not misbehaving." she narrows her eyes at me before laughing.

I shake my head, putting my hand on my chest, pretending to be offended, "Wow, this is how you talk to your only innocent, very well mannered daughter. That hurt."

"Madeline, they just brought out those ice creams that we really like, are you coming?" I hear George yell with excitement. I can just picture him instantly getting up from his sun bed, making a run for the ice cream, ready to be the first one in line. Me to be honest.

"Anyway honey, I have to go now, George wants those incredible ice creams, if we don't stop eating them, you might not recognise us when we come back, are you going to be okay?" she asks.

I immediately nod my head, dashing my teeth at her, "Yes mom, now go before someone takes all the ice cream, that would be a serious crime!"

She waves into the camera, zooming in on her face, "Okay, bye Bella! Love you!"

"Bye mom!"

NYC Boy: Are we still meeting cutie?

I get a text that makes me bite onto my bottom lip.

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