Hostile morning

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Chapter 19

Bella's POV

"This is unbelievable!"

My body falls onto the ground with a loud thud.

"What the hell?" I murmur while placing my hand on my head, itching it as it hurts slightly. My hands then move onto my eyes, rubbing them open.

"I've literally had a conversation with you about this yesterday and what do you do? Ignore everything I said and sleep with him!" the voice comes out again and I register it as Jamie's voice.

I look over at Simon, who's currently waking up, rubbing his eyes too.

"What the fuck, how did you get in?" Simon speaks up with a rusty voice.

"Does it matter? What were you doing with her?" Jamie exclaims once more. Thank God this room is sound proof otherwise it'd be so awkward for everyone in the house to hear.

Simon sits up on the couch, moving the blanket on top of his thighs, still looking very lost and very tired. I yawn, thinking what in the hell is happening right now.

"Bella, I don't want you hanging around him, let alone sleeping in the same bed, care to explain what the fuck happened between you two while you were in New Orleans and what I've witnessed just now?" His voice is stiff, his arms are crossed like he's trying to compose calm, but his palms transformed into fists, his knuckles turning white.

I don't know what to say at this point, I didn't know that Simon cuddled into me yesterday and then slept besides me, but I can tell why Jamie's so furious right now, because if I was in his position I wouldn't know what to think either. It looked pretty bad if you ask me.

"Don't fucking raise your voice at her in my house. Out!" Simon shouts back at Jamie, shooting daggers at him but Jamie doesn't move. I can tell he's a guy that doesn't get intimidated so easily.

"Jamie, I'm sorry, but it's not what it looks like-"

"Then what does it look like? Cause it sure as hell looks like you slept with him!" he cuts me off mid-sentence.

"Okay, that's enough, I don't need this in the morning." Simon swiftly stands up, walking straight over to Jamie and gripping him by his arm, that looks huge by the way.

By now, we all know that Simon has some amazing and breath-taking abs, but compared to Jamie, it's nothing. Jamie is more bulkier, his biceps, triceps and all the other eps are like rocks, massive ones. Even his thighs are massive, he probably worked out since the age of 8. But even then, Simon isn't afraid of him.

"Don't touch me Simon!" He yanks his arm free, but Simon still leads him out of the attic and straight downstairs. I don't hesitate and run straight after them. God knows what they're going to do.

I've seen how Jamie can react when he sees me with Simon and I don't understand why he's so afraid that I'd do anything wrong to hurt him. But then again I've also noticed that me and Simon are getting closer and he's become protective over me. He helped me with the Justin incident outside the house, never wanna think about that again, and he's helping me out now as well because Jamie is really scary now, shouting like he owns this place.

I follow them outside the house and onto the front porch where they both stand opposite each other shooting daggers. Simon quickly turns around facing me, "Stay inside Bella!" he voices.

I do as I'm told because I'm kind of scared now and to be quite honest, I didn't do anything wrong, I've just done something wrong in Jamie's eyes but that's not my problem, it's his fault he won't let me explain and keeps going on about me staying away from Simon.

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