Christmas shopping (Chase x reader)

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I hope ya'll like this :) More will be out later on as well as more headcanons and shit!


You were holding a big cup of coffee while you watched your boyfriend pick out cards for all other egos. It was early morning. Early enough for the shops to be quite empty so there wasn't much people around, for your luck anyways! It's was to early to deal with unbearable crowds and snobby kids. Besides, it was a nice day to have quality time with Chase...

The ego handed you six cards with a grin. You automatically knew he has picked the most... Idiotic and humorous ones. He does it every Christmas. It did make everyone laugh though, so we could both say that it's always a win.

Chase noticed you already had a lot of things to carry considering you both arrived here earlier on. He gently took your bag and scarf that you gripped in the hand holding the hot coffee, since it was quite hot in the shop- placing it around his neck and putting on the bag himself. You both walked up to the counter, paying as you go and grabbed the purchased items to put them in the bag that stood on Chase's bag. You smiled lightly at his gentleman actions.

"Right... So we have Marvin and Anti left." You sighed heavily. Of course you left the most... stressful egos left. It was hard to get Marv something he liked since being very unusually obsessed with magic and Anti is just.... Anti. You either impress him or you don't. There was no in between and never will be.

Chase rubbed your back as he held you close, looking around at the shops. "Hey, it's alright Y/N. I'm sure we will find something sooner or later." His voice soft and quiet, making you feel comfort within his grasp. You nodded in return.

"Better be sooner. It's more a struggle when everyone else arrives for Christmas shopping." A small giggled broke out at the end of your sentence, making your boyfriend grin. The two of you entered a small witchcrafts shop that was hidden on the corner of an alleyway. It was a small business and barely anyone finds themselves walking in it, only people who are murals or friendly with the owner. Like Marvin was.

When you first walked in the smell of sage and herbs hits both of your noses, making Chase cough out. The owner was aware of your arrivals and exited herself from the office.

"Hello friends." She announced from the small, wooden stairs above her desk. "Please take a look around, find pleasure in whatnot!"

Chase smiled and took your hand, guiding you through as he has been here before with Marvin.

"He normally goes for the crystal balls and small boxes of herbs. There was one he wanted to get but of course he didn't have enough money with him." He explained.

You nodded but frowned. "Would he have come back and... got it?"

Chase shook his head, his hat falling off in the process in which he caught and held for a bit.

"No, not that I'm aware of anyway. He would of told us if he did." He looked in deep thought before turning his head to face the owner that was currently writing down notes. Chase jogged over when the owner looked up.


He stopped in his tracks. You on the other hand couldn't help but snort.

"My apologies. Can I help you?" She smiled. Her glasses being pulled from her nose.

"Urh I- oh yeah. Do you know if Marvin got anything from here lately? We are trying to get him a Christmas present." Chase nervously said as he messed with his baseball hat.

The owner nodded and opened the big, old like notebook that was filled with black inked writing. "He has been here... A few months ago. How is he? I haven't seen him much lately."

The ego cleared his throat.

"Y-Yeah he is fine. Just been busy with the holidays and jobs." Chase laughed but the owner carried on staring at him which made him stop.

"Very well, I hope he is doing great. Lovely chap he is. Always so charming." She softly breathed out. Chase just stood there awkwardly before nodding and making his way back to you.

He leaned in close to your ear. "She is a bit scary..."

You wheezed at this. "Oh come on. Let's just go and get him his present."

You manage to buy it and goddamn Marvin was right. For a smallish box like that it costed over 50 dollars/pounds/euros (PFFT LMAO). Chase was excited the whole time, he couldn't wait until Marv opened it but you couldn't blame him, you were also excited. But now the two of you were sat down for lunch in a small café, Chase having hot chocolate while you had a milkshake.

"So... What should we get Anti?" He spoke out from opposite you.

"How am I supposed to know! You know him more than me." Your voice breaking at the end due to stress until Chase laid his hand on top of yours.

"Hey... Y/N stop panicking! We'll get him something little seeing that... He isn't the nicest." He mumbled out. At least you didn't feel any pure hatred towards the glitch or you'd refuse to even spend Christmas with him. He just... Confuses and annoys you, which should be more since he did haunt your boyfriend into depression that you spent ages trying to help him get through. So you were hoping that at Christmas with the other Septic's he would just relax on the tormenting.

Chase finished his drink and clicked his finger. "I think I know what to get him!" You immediately looked up to him.


"You know that store filled with... butterfly knives and sort of... weapons. We should get him that mat black butterfly knife which has grey skulls printed on it!"

You cringed but nodded. At least it's something.

"I saw it and thought he'd steal it if he had spotted it." Chase carried on with a huge smile. You could tell he was proud.

You gave in. "Fine, fine. But if there is an incident where I find someone being stabbed with it then I won't let you pick his present ever again."

Your boyfriend smirked smugly, and averted his eyes from yours. Pushing his empty cup aside and placed his hat back on before looking out the window. It started to snow. You watched his smile grow bigger when he saw this, placing a gloved hand on the window and admiring the white drops falling from the sky.

"I-It's snowing! Y'N it's snowing!!" Chase beamed out before standing up, grabbing the bag and putting it on. He suddenly pulled you up, dropping some money on the table for the drinks and rushed outside. You couldn't help but laugh at his childish antiques.

"Look at it!" He was to intrigued by it. Chase held his hands out to catch some snowflakes and lowered down for the two of you to see.

"It looks beautiful!" You gasped. Your boyfriend nodded with the brightest grin ever. It started to get heavier, making Chase squeal out as he looked up to the sky.

You both skipped around and played with the snow falling down, Chase having his arm around your shoulder and his head leaned in between your neck. He started to bring you closer. Using his other hand to bring you face to face with him, waiting for you to notice this. Once you turned to face your boyfriend he leaned in and placed a warm kiss against your lips. Chase pulled away with a gently smile, his hands now shoved in your coat pockets until you grabbed the back of his neck and forced your lips to collide again. He turned his head sideways to deepen in as you placed your hands around his shoulders. The glitch bitch can wait for his present...

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