What I imagine them like in high-school:

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Jackie- A popular loner, he's friends with everyone but doesn't hang out with them all. He has a separate group with Marvin and Chase. I would say he was sort of well-behaved, I few ups and downs with all his energy but at the end of the day he just wanted to spread positivity!

Marvin- That dude. He gets in many arguments but not physical fights. He is very smart but was crap at science and used to skive off a lot. He is really good at making friends and like I said before, is best friends with Jackie and Chase.

Chase- He is that boy who gets in trouble a lot. He's silly but very lovable and crushes on new people everyday. Some may find him annoying and dislike him but the majority loves his energy and atmosphere he brought with him. I wouldn't say he was the smartest and had low grades for everything.

Anti- THAT LONER. Quiet, lonely and secret. People felt uneasy with him after that one incident in elementary where he stabbed a boy in the hand with a ruler. He surprising has good grades but a bad reputation, even the teachers try hard to ignore his death glares and scary comments.

Schneep- The weird smart person who would try and fight you if you copied his work. He has a few friends but refuses to make more because its overwhelming for him. Stinks of coffee but has good grades except from art.

Jameson- The sweet gentleman every loves and respects. He is real polite and as many friends considering he is a mute. Amazing grades and overall the nicest person you'll ever meet.

Robbie- My boy would struggle so much learning and has so many extra lessons to keep up with. He gets bullied and picked on but it dies down when he became besties with Jameson.

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