The egos on the road-trip: #3

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// Anti has a fit in this- just in case anyone isn't comfortable with that :) //

"Jesus Henrik... McDonald's is only down the road!" "Nein Marvin, we can go without it for a bit" Marvin grumbled under his breath. The egos were a few hours in, although there was snacks and water Marvin wanted an actual meal- his stomach wouldn't stop rumbling out loud so even Jackie and Robbie could hear it. Sighing in sympathy for the hungry ego. Schneep looked in the rear mirror to make eye contact with the magician but instead found himself staring at Jameson's now sleeping face. He stopped in traffic before looking behind him.

"Jameson is asleep already? surprised you haven't woke him yet bug" Anti only glared at Henrik. readjusting himself with all the bags and water bottles.

"Why was I placed at the back? I wanted to be in the passengers seat" Schneep laughed at the thought instead of giving the glitch an answer before returning to the road. The boredom was killing Anti, his only entertainment was sleeping- him and Jamie would play Uno and scrabble. Instead he lowered himself so he was on the floor, not much space but he wanted to try and steal Jackie's headphones and music iPod that was hanging out of his pocket. The superhero was on the urge of sleeping with his head leaning on the window, this was a perfect time to try and take it so the glitch slowly grabbed it before Robbie noticed.

"A- A got Jackie's TOY!!" Marvin's concerned expression turned towards the lowered glitch who was struggling snatching the headphones and iPod.

"I thought you brought your own iPod glitch?" "I did but Jameson is using it for a peaceful sleep" Pointing over to the unconscious mute who seems to have the headphones in. Marvin nodded before carefully taking the headphones from Jackie's head, Anti snatched it from his hands and lets out a relieved sigh as it was now placed on his own head- listening to his on music. Marvin watched him for a bit before looking over at Chase who seemed uncomfortable.

"You alright Chasey?" "Yeah, it's just I kinda fancy some food..." Henrik scoffed looking at the two egos who requested to get food.

"Fine! We'll go to the nearest fast-food but we aren't staying in it. I want to get to the hotel as soon as possible." Marv and Chase high-fived each other at the successful mission to persuade the German man for food.

"Hen getting food?" Asked Robbie, his arms rested behind his neck and knees pushed into his chest.

"Yeah Bro! You soon will be getting that ice-cream you wanted" Chase said turned around as well as Marvin's now visible smile. The three were always close to each other, sharing the same special bonds and funny memories. One time Chase and Robbie exploded their pie in the oven (not sure how it happened) but remembering laughing about it.

"Remember the time we all sang to Mamma Mia?" Chase snickered. "Hell yeah dude, that was golden!!"

"Rob remember where we all laughed at a man fall of stage" Robbie tried to explain.

"OH MY GOD YES! That man fell of the stage when we all went to the theatre to see Jameson perform!!"

The three men spent ages reciting certain memories making each other laugh, sometimes thinking back to the good times make you wonder what happens now. Marvin would lean back into his chair thinking of how things changed so much after Chase's divorce and Anti's outbreaks which left many of the egos on the edge of living. He remember when Anti glitched through the big screen at his biggest performance in London scaring everyone, possessing Marvin and slicing his throat. He got fired when he protested he was possessed to his boss, almost arrested for that scene 'he' made on the stage.

"hmMM" Something broke Marvin's frightening flashbacks, most of the egos turn backwards even more so they can see who or what made that unhuman sound. The sight of Anti shaking his head in his sleep, hands constantly rubbing his neck wound which was bleeding more. His body was starting to violently shake as his eyes were open but empty- his pupils hidden to be exact. Henrik's panicked looks in his eyes was confronted as he pulled beside the road in a hurry.

Anti's yells were getting louder waking Jamie and Jackie who seemed just as confused as Chase. Schneep sprinted out of the car, reaching the door to the back yanking it open before shaking Anti awake.

"Henrik!! What? What's going on?" Jackie asked. "SHUT THE FUCK UP JACKIE, CAN'T YOU SEE?!" Henrik looked feral, his hands searching the seatbelt buckle which Jameson clicked to help. Anti was dragged out of the car and into a hold so he couldn't hit himself on anything sharp. Chase jumped out the car, wondering over to Henrik and Anti, he felt scared even for Anti. He hasn't seen any of Anti's fits but only heard about it- to be clear, he doesn't want to see it anymore.

Everyone was silent now sitting near the car while Henrik was forcing conscious Anti to drink water.

"Come on, you need to drink" "NO!" "ANTI!!" The glitch hasn't made eye contact with anyone after that incident, he woke up in the embrace of the doctor. Funny enough- the first thing he said was 'Hugs are for wussies' which made Marvin snort. Typical Antisepticeye. The doctor was not driving until Anti drank even a sip, he protested Chase and him to switch seats terrified it would happen again.

"Hen, please I'm fine. It happens a lot ok? It's just my glitches. It doesn't actually hurt me!" "Shut your pipe-hole and just drink so I do know if your alright" Anti rolled his eyes as he chucked some down, his green pupils recorded Henrik smiling at him as he helped him up. The lot go back into the car in complete silence.

"So... erm. KFC is up this road. We can go order some food if you guys want to" Marvin beamed at Henriks words.

"FUCK YEAH MAN!!" The egos laughed all their way to the fast-food.

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