How the egos sleep:

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Scrawled out on his bed with is mouth wide open. The covers won't even be on him but on the floor or something and pillows are around him because he likes to cuddle them in his sleep. Luckily he doesn't snore or sleep talk but he does move around A LOT. He is a deep sleeper.


Basically buried underneath the blankets and pillow, you won't even realise someone was actually sleeping there because you can't see him. He doesn't move at all but lays like a log. He also doesn't sleep talk but he hums a lot, mainly due to his bizarre dreams. He is a light sleeper.


On his side with the covers half on him. He lays his head on two pillows and cuddles with the blanket. He snores only a little bit, it just sounds like he is heavily breathing and doesn't really move. When he does he makes it dramatic by slamming himself on his other side and. He is a light sleeper.


On his stomach covered in his blanket but no pillows, they always find themselves on the floor by morning. He lays his head in his arms and dribbles a lot... He moves A LOT and sometimes sleep talks, but it' very muffled and quiet. He is a deep sleeper.


On his stomach as well but half covered in his blanket and only lays his head on one pillow. He has his knee high up and his hand hanging off the bed. He snores like Henrik but doesn't move much nor sleep talk. He is a light sleeper.


On his back with the blankets covering him from neck to toe. Pillows surrounding him and holding his head. He doesn't move a lot but he sleep WALKS but is very unusual... He is mute so he doesn't really sleep talk or snore... He is a deep sleeper.


On his stomach but sleeps like Jackie with his arms out and legs out, no covers nor pillows. He moves A LOT and snore very loudly. He sleep talks also but it's normally a small mumble every now and then. He is the deepest sleeper EVER.

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