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- Schneep is the best singer out of all the egos.

- Jackie's main phobia is out of date food.

- Jackie also used to be a cadet and taught the new people how to drill and fire air rifles(army thing in Britain or if anywhere else does it, lol)

- Anti can't swim.

- Chase learnt how to skateboard when he was seven.

- Jameson loves to sit outside every morning to watch the sun come up.

- Schneep is scared of butterflies and insects.

- Jackie has the same sized feet as Chase and would share shoes with him.

- Marvin is good at rapping.

- Marvin also hates it when people try to touch his mask.

- Anti dyes his own hair and is pretty good at it.

- Chase loves watching grease.

- Jameson prefers being called Jamie and JJ because he thinks his full name and first name is to formal.

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