(JACKIE X @zoey_Bow X ANTI)

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// A little something for Zoey_Bow //

All the egos including Rachel were surrounding a board game that was placed on the table. All looking around the room, not moving their heads before Henrik spoke.

"As an ex criminal... I shall pick my teammate fi-" "HOLD ON! We are all ex criminals you cheat!" Marvin hissed at him, fist rested on the table in front of them. They all had their game faces on.

Jackie was the first to react after the confrontation. "I'm the oldest! I should choose first!"

Everyone else groaned out but lets Jackie off since they didn't want to spend another hour deciding on teammates. He smiled at his victory and looked around at the bunch, eyes averting mainly to the young girl stood between Marvin and Chase. This young girl was known as Rachel... She found the egos after a failed crime and they had to agree on some terms but since then they have forgotten all about it, acting more like best friends. Rachel helped around the house; stopping fights, helping cleaning and generally being a nice friend.

"Rachel." Jackie declared, smiling towards her. She just smiled back and stepped aside Jackie, the two waiting for the others to match together but someone had their beady eyes on them, full with pure jealously.

The rest all paired up: Jameson and Henrik, Chase and Marvin but the last ego left was Anti who just stood there, staring at everyone. He didn't bother picking a partner but glared deeply in Jackie's vision but the ego ignored it and knelt down to hug Rachel.

"We are team hero!" He whispered to her, a hug smile plastered on his face.

"Hell yeah we are!" She returned his excitement, nodding quickly before pushing her focus onto Henrik who was now going to explain the rules.

"Right! The aim of the game is to earn the most cards in which you collect after getting each question right. The questions are based around a certain theme and you have to say the first correct answer to get the card. There is a timer and if no one gets it in the timer the person who reads that question gets that card." The German explained as he mixed up all the cards.

Everyone nodded apart from Anti who just lazily sat himself down again. "I'll be watching then... Pissheads..."

They ignored his remark and all got themselves ready when Jackie poked Rachel and gave her a thumbs up.

"You got this! Your a smart kid." He said to her. Rachel just giggled and looked back to see Anti lied down on the sofa, playing with a knife, she looked back when Chase cleared his throat.

"Alright, question one! When was the first coc-" "100 BC" Anti purposely called out only to mess with everyone. Chase shook his head. "Wrong!"

"Anti please let us have fun!" Jackie asked nicely, arm around Rachel's shoulder as she shrugged. Anti noticed and pointed to her.

"She doesn't care."

Jackie rolled his eyes. "There's other people in this room, just please... Let us play properly. Rachel looked back from Anti and smiled when a question was read out and Jackie was rushing to scribble down an answer. They all got ready, Jackie passing the paper to her so she could read it out when Anti disrupted again.

"1978... Grease was made in 1978." He was eyeing the paper held in Rachel's card, making her move it with a grin but turned into a frown when Jackie sighed deeply.

"Anti, please! Let us play the game, she doesn't want to be di-" "SHE ISN'T SAYING SHIT! IF SHE REALLY WAS ANNOYED SHE WOULD OF SAID SOMETHING YOU FOOKIN DUMBASS!" The outburst made everyone pause what they were doing. Jackie now putting his arm over Rachel in protection.

"I'm fine Jackie!" She protested but was only responded with him only moving in front of her and out of Anti's view. "Jacki-"

Rachel was cut off when she found a knife violently calved deep in the egos shoulder, causing everyone to gasp as Jackie winced out in pain. He fell forward, hearing Anti's menacing giggles in the background until she shot him the most deadliest glare ever.

"Why did you do that?" Rachel asked him, holding onto Jackie's shoulder, trying to steady it as Henrik inspects the wound. Everyone rushed around to hide away or preparing to defend themselves when they saw Anti grow more narrowed eyes.

He tilted his head. "Why do you think? I'll do it again!" He screeched out before using another weapon to slice Jackie's cheek. Rachel screamed out and hurried to grab Anti's wrists so he wouldn't attack the ego anymore.

"Let go puppet!"

"No! Leave Jackie alone!"

Jackie was grunting due to the pain but managed to smile to Rachel, trying to move closer so he could protect her from Anti. "Rachel, get away!"

She refused and managed to throw the knife away, smiling in victory before noticing Anti's defeated expression and sighing. Rachel looks round to see Jackie getting patched up, his smile not leaving his face.

"You be nice to Jackie and I'll be in a team with you." She offered. Anti rolled his eyes and nodded. "Fine! But I don't want to lose and if we do, I'm blaming it on you!"

Rachel just scoffed. "Whatever floats your boat I guess..."

Everyone but mostly Jackie laughed at this, causing Anti to growl.

"She got you good! The big ball of sunshine never lets us down!" She giggled at the nickname and smiled towards Jackie who made the joke. However, Anti was furious and suddenly appeared on top of Jackie, punching him in the face several times until he was pulled off by Henrik and Marvin.

"DUDE!" Chase breathed out from the corner after seeing the whole thing. Him and Jameson just observes due to not knowing what was exactly going on...

Rachel gasped and rushed to check on Jackie who was adjusting his vision. "Jackie! Holy fuck, can you hear me?!"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine!" He grinned towards her, nothing would beat the PMA out of Jackie... She just smiled in relief before shaking her head at Anti.

"Your a hopeless case! What the fuck was the point in that?!" She exclaimed from her position on the floor. Anti who was now slumped on the sofa sluggishly.

He just scoffed. "Just come over and fookin play the game with me!"

"Your such a child..." Rachel muttered, seeing Jackie up and ready to go again. He looked at her confusingly.

"Why are you over ther-" "She's with me now shithead!" Anti smirked, leaning forward to look at the sour expression that was formed on Jackie's face.

"Why?" He asked but was mainly looking at her.

"He will stop being a bitch if I just teamed up with him..." Rachel sighed but felt Anti's glare.

Jackie just softly nodded. "Oh, ok..."

"I'm not a bitch, nor a fookin baby!" Anti spoke out towards Rachel but she simply ignored him and carried on playing the game...

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