The egos 'go to' place (to calm down):

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Thank you @Nightguard33 for this suggestion :)

Chase: like in the 'CHASE' video, he would go a visit the woods where he found the stone (grave? monument for his children... Another theory) and would sit next to it, going through family pictures and talking to the grave about the memory each picture has. He would sit there for ages, calming down and paying his respects, putting down flowers and pictures to lay on it.

Schneep: he gets angry and stressed easily, needing a break badly and when he gets the chance to, he'll travel down to the beach (usually early morning) where it's less crowded so he can sit, listen to the sea coming in and out shore. Watching the sky for by and the sun reflecting of the sea, sometimes he would listen to music and watch it, calming him down so much he almost falls asleep.

Marvin: he would get frustrated and agitated from many things (mostly his magic and fucking it up). He usually doesn't go far but in his room and turns to the lights off, lighting candles and listening to calming music as he reads books, or practice some card tricks he is good at. Relaxing himself in the safe environment.

Jackie: he doesn't normally gets angry but sometimes anxious, because Jackie is out most nights doing superhero shit he would sit himself on a high tower and watch the sun go down. It calms him, listening to the people below and the sight of the sky changing colour to change into night time. He would bring some earphones and listen to music, chilling out high up.

Anti: this man gets ANGRY, he gets RAGED- so he definitely has a 'go to' place (and that's killing Jack) JUST KIDDING. He goes and glitches away to some peaceful country side where it has lakes and marshal lands. He usually sits in a tree, watching the ducks and frogs do their thing, but also taking in the sensation of a silent, peaceful land that smells of grass and bright summers sky.

Jameson: he gets worried, panicked and anxious. Very much so that the place he goes to has to be exactly like that from the last time he came or it would panic him more. It's some underground train station where it has been abandoned, Jamie took it in his own hands and made a little spot for himself which has the view of the city very well. He has this candle he lights every time he visits and if it isn't clean like he left it, he would freak out and panic.

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