How you meet them:

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// Might add in a bit of ego preferences while I'm here //


You were out delivering an anniversary card to your parents when you heard someone yell for help. Turns out Jackie was stuck on a tree with a cat in his hands. You gazed upwards observing the unusual man when he cleared his throat.

"Would you mind picking up that ladder that fell for me?" You were confused but followed to where his pointed. There was this tall metal ladder that was lying on the wet grass- you awkwardly giggled before steadying the ladder for him. You watched as he climbed down with that cat still in his hands.

"Thank you mam! You saved not one... But two lives today" He happily joked holding up the cat who managed to get out of his grip and run away, he nervously laughed until he found himself admiring your features. You were confused on why he was smiling at you.

"Is there something on my face?" "OH! No no, it's just that your a very pretty lady and- maybe if I give you my number we would hang out" He asked awkwardly but you were more than happy to.


You were looking for new mugs to put in your new house at the store. You held up a decent mug you were thinking about buying until something was chucked in it- you jumped and pulled out a... teabag.

"TRICKSHOT AT ITS finesttt" A skinny man came up to you before collection the teabag and noticed your confused stare.

"OH MY! I'm so sorry, I'm Chase. Chase Brody and I apologise about making you jump" He said putting his hands up to show he is trying to be friendly. You chuckled.

"Hello Chase, nice to meet you. I'm Y/N and that was a good aim" You winked. He laughed with you when you grabbed the teabag and backed up, Chase looked confused before watching you throw it and landed on Chase's hat.

"TRICKSHOT AT ITS finnnessttt" You both laughed loudly, messing around with trickshots until you had to go. Chase was upset but you came him your number so you could meet up sometime, he was really excited and texted you straight away when you got home.


You were strolling around down the shops when you came across a crowd surrounding a man who was wearing a cat mask...? You thought this was strange and was curious to see what he is doing. The man was holding up a deck of cards, explaining that one person in the crowd would pick a random one and he would guess it. A classic until that person had to be you. You slowly walked up, the man was welcoming you warmly with a hug and a smile- he looked away as you chose a card.

"You chose a card?" "Yep" "Alrightyyy" He averted his eyes to your again but with deep thought.

"You haveeeeee, the king of diamonds?" "Ooooo close!" You said, showing him the card he lets out a frustrated shout.

"That's a jack of diamonds, fookin damn it all!!!!" The crowd became smaller every minute until you were the only one left. His gave fell on you again, jumping of the stage he went to talk to you.

"Thank you for participating in my... show. Not every does. I'm Marvin the magnificent, and you may be?" "I'm Y/N, and I think your show was amazing!" He beamed a smile before inviting you for lunch with him.


You were walking down your road, on your way back from the shops. Bags in both your hands until a noise distracted you. You went further up the road to see a greenish man clearly in frustration as he was kicking a bin.

"Hey... are you alright" He looked up and glared at you. "What do YOU want?"

"I'm just checking to see if your ok? It's not normal to find a man kicking a bin..." He violently looked down and snarled. You were thinking of what to say when you watched him sit down on a curb, heads in hands.

"Then move along if this isn't normal for you" "But I wanna see if your alright?" You placed your bags down away from the road and went to sit with the green man. When you sat next to him, he refused to look even half way near you.

"Peaceful evening... You want to walk around near the woods? I'm sure it will free you from your anger" You offered. The silence carried on for bit, knowing this man has a tough time socialising you went to introduce yourself to see if he would start warming up.

"I'm Y/N" The man looked at you before returning your smile.

"I'm Anti" "Nice name Anti, you want to walk around with me?" Anti crossed his eyebrows at your smiling face, nothing is going to ruin that smile but for some reason Anti didn't want to ruin it. You made him feel calm and safe.

"I- urh- Sure" He hummed before sitting up himself. You both grabbed one bag while walking away enjoying each of your company.


It's your first day of your job, you finished your years of training and was accepted to be a doctors assistant of the names of Henrik Von Schneeplestein? Unusual but it didn't bother you so much. You were going to meet him any minute anyway.

You were sitting in waiting for the man to come and introduce himself. The music from your earphones calmed down as you were hoping your name would pop up. But instead a man dressed in a surgeons uniform opened the door and cleared his throat before spotting you.

"Ah! You must be Y/N L/N?" "Indeed I am sir" You said with a smile, he returned it with a hopeful grin before offering you a cup of coffee.

"So, Y/N. I'm going to be working with you for now, you can change your partners depending on the promotion or chose you are given" He explained with a German accent? You were trying so hard to work out the accent.

"Are you ok Y/N? You seem confused?" "OH! No, of course not. I was just about to ask if your... German?" He gave you a smile while nodding.

"Wow! That's really cool" You beamed earning a laugh from the doctor. The two of you sat down for more than you should have talking about yourselves and discovering each others humour.


You were looking for new CDs in the music shop because you lost many when cleaning up, you wasn't looking where you were going until you knocked over someone.

"Oh my god!! I am so sorry!!" You hurried to help the person up. It was a young man, wearing a bowl hate and bow tie. He wasn't speaking but took you hand with a friendly smile before thanking you.

"You look very dapper, loving the outfit" He went to thank you again before frowning.

"Oh? What's wrong?" The man grabbed a small notebook from his pocket and scribbled something down.

'I'm mute, but thank you for the compliment and forget about the fall, I wasn't looking either. The names Jameson Jackson. What may your name be dearly?'

"I'm Y/N L/N, so pleased to meet you. I say... Would you accept my offer? Maybe go for a small drink in the café?" The man called Jameson smiled brightly as he took you arm and twirled it with his. Walking like an old couple but much happier.

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