A glitches hug

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A little something for you :)

Jackie was looking over the town, watching crowds of all sorts of people pass by. He scanned every detail before noticing a familiar face. The hero's smile grew onto his pale face as he stumbled down from the high building and rushing through the crowds in order to catch his favourite person. Jackie caught up to them before playfully scaring them. The girl gasped as they faced him with a small grin.

"Don't do that!" Rachel snorted. The person was Jackie's small sidekick who would come and see him on his daily patrolling rounds. They met through mutual friends. Rachel made friends with Jameson as she would visit his shops a few times and one day Jackie happened to say a quick hello at the time she was there. He offered to buy lunch for them all and soon they all became close.

"How's my super sidekick?" He smiled down at the girl. She puts her thumbs up in response.

"I'm good! How's this morning going ? Found anything yet?"

Jackie shook his head. "Nothing but missing cats and stupid teenagers..."

She sighed but smiled at him. Her hand rubbed his back in a comforting manner. Jackie was enlightened by her kind gesture and picked her bridal style, spinning Rachel around as she laughed. Jackie placed her back on the ground, looking around with a yawn

"So, where are ya off to?"

Rachel looked at him with a smile. "I was actually going around to try and find you!"

Jackie gasped before giggled, he held onto her hand and gently swung it back and forth. Rachel snorted at his action.

"Why did you wanna see me?" He finally asked after a few minutes. Jackie turned to her with his usual, energetic grin that would make the whole room light up.

"I thought you needed some company! It's a Friday after all." Rachel proudly stated beside him. She flicked her hair since the wind blew it in her face, Jackie noticed and pulled out his woolly hat and placed it on her, making sure he pulled back her long hair so it wouldn't disturb her anymore.

Rachel smirked. "Where did you get the hat from? You literally just pulled it out of nowhere!" The hero shrugged as he turned around to present her a grey and green backpack.

"I keep things I might need in this bag!"

She just smiled and nodded slowly. "Of course, you probably keep takeaway food in it instead of actual things like a first aid kit!"

Jackie gasped offendedly, clearly as a joke. He placed his hands on his chest and mocked being dead as he fell backwards but caught himself with a giggle. Rachel just shook her head with a smirk.

They both walked around down, filling in on each-others day as time went on. Rachel thought it would be a thoughtful idea to buy him some lunch seeing as Jackie hasn't had a break yet. She managed to usher him down the street to where the shop was, he didn't notice due to ranting on about something quite irrelevant. Rachel pulled out some money from her pocket and counted it before working out how much this would cost.

Jackie noticed. "Whatcha doin'?" She didn't answer but dragged him along until they reached the counter.

"What would you like?"

The hero just looked between the menu and her. He was quite slow and took a moment to realise.

"Oh! Y-Yeah, eh. Sorry! Heh." Jackie quickly scanned the menu before pointing to the big hotdog. "Jumbo hotdog!" He smiled.

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