「️The Owner of This Weapon 」️「️Chapter 26」️

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Morning was noisy than usual. More whispering and staring eyes planted on him. Kokichi felt like vomiting from everything. Everything was overwhelming but the two beside him made sure that their conversation drowned out at least the whispering.

" I didn't think Kiibo would do well. " Rantaro commented earning a pout from his partner. Kokichi chuckled but he felt empty despite it.

" You guys! Even if I am a robot! I would still understand the concept of Uno! " Rantaro grinned before leaning down to whisper to Kokichi.

" He just won once, Right. " He sounded like he was reminding the shorter about it than asking him. Kokichi nod with a smile before looking over to Kiibo.

" The toaster can't even understand uno means one and got at least 28 cards at the end of the game. "

Rantaro laughed while Kiibo complained that Kokichi kept using +2 and +4 on him to justify that he still understood the game. He eyed Kokichi and took note that those purple iris didn't shine and had seemed to be much duller than normal. Rantaro felt like they're losing time.

" He's a murderer. " One of the whispers finally hit Rantaro's ears that he had to glare at the group to shut up. Oblivious idiots. They're on their side and yet their picking on their allies. If Kokichi ever wanted it, he could go on a killing spree and it'll take Naegi, Rantaro, Mikan and Maybe a few students that'll be willing to sacrifice their life then maybe they'll come out with the least possible number of deaths and a dead Kokichi.

" I'm Serious Kokichi! I will take you to the Court! " Kiibo raised his voice as if to drown the whispers that could reach Kokichi's ears. Rantaro laughed at how red Kiibo's face looked. He looked adorable.

" It sounds to me that your asking me out Kiibs. Too bad! I prefer to have dinner first before letting anyone take me to the bed. Nishishishi~! We aren't even sure if you have a di- "

Kiibo yelled. " INAPPROPRIATE! "

Rantaro laughed.
This is fine.
They're all happy.
Nothing's going to go wrong.
His phone buzzed and he took it out to read the message.
The second event.
" That Pairing test... " he muttered. It's an event where they'll let weapons be locked in a room with their Meister for the first day then it cycles to other Meister's and at the last day they spend with their Meister before taking the compatibility test to see who from those Meister's are actually closer in their heart.
Isn't it counterproductive?
He hummed before eyeing Kokichi.
Doesn't matter. Kokichi likes Shuichi more.
He acknowledged before looking over to Kiibo.
He likes me better than other Meisters too right?

Such a scary event.


" A Surprise Pairing test. " Byakuya announced entering the room to say that only to leave and switch with Mikan.

" S-so everyone l-let's head over to your significant d-destined r-room... " Mikan weakly smiled before guiding every to the second third floor of the school building. There was a crowd already forming at the floor and it seemed rather too crowded for Shuichi, Rantaro and Kokichi for different reasons.

Shuichi's anxiety spiked that he instinctively tried to pull his hat doen only to remember that hr had stopped wearing it for a long time now.
Why and when did I stopped exactly?

Rantaro bit his lower lip afraid that the murmuring would continue and it'll cause Kokichi to despair.

Kokichi felt like the moment they notice his presence they'll eye him like an animal in display.

And he wasn't wrong.

" O-okay everyone. C-class2 - A is h-here. " Mikan announced making everyone turn to eye the Rumored Weapon.

" Damn monster. "

The class stopped walking and finally noticed the atmosphere. They first thought that they were being stared at but when Kokichi took the first step forward the whispers erupted.

" He's here. "

" Shit. Can't believe he's confidently waltzing around the place just cause the headmaster said it wasn't him that did that. "

" Do you think we'll get to room with him? Just the thought scares me."

Kokichi took a deep breath before grinning creepily. " God! Why arw y'all noisy? " He loudly complained while stomping his left foot on the ground like a child throwing a tantrum. " It puts me in a bad bad bad mood! It makes me wanna kill someone here! " It worked wonders hearing those words since the crowd suddenly went silent in fear that it could really happen. " But that's just a lie! I'd never eeverrr killed someone my whole life! Or that can also be a lie! Nishishishi~ cowards. " He smirked at them before skipping to Mikan's side like a toddler. He started teasing Mikan like usual while the crowd followed his figure with their eyes. The class silently went to follow the nurse and Weapon.

" I-In the first day... The original p-pairs will stay then the next day.. w-we'll have a random M-meister with the Weapon. " Mikan explained to the class. Kaito seemed to be disappointed and depressed at the fact that he'll get separated from Maki while the others accepted it as a friendship gathering.

" Oi. You're that Ouma right? " A large man slowly showed himself from the crowd. Class 3 - B Nidai. He was known for being able to handle two Weapons before he had entered school. Though forced as it may be, he is strong without a Weapon. " Heard you hurt people for fun. That true? "

Kokichi felt cold. He felt like some sort of dirty being standing in front of this random guy. He forced his lips and it made a very creepy shit eating grin.
" YEEP! I watch the blood splatter on the floor and cut up their body parts while they're alive. So that I can hear them scream out in pain or am I lying~? "

Nidai let out a laugh before grinning at Kokichi. " I like that. You have fire in you. How about being my partner. " He stretched out his hand to him which everyone was startled at.

Shuichi widened his eyes before stepping in between them and hiding Kokichi behind him. He couldn't help glare at the tall muscular guy despite the chance of him having the strength to snap Shuichi's neck if ever he felt like it. " He's My Weapon. "

Nidai raised a brow, lips slightly parted without his smile from earlier.
" So? " Shuichi was taken back at his response. " If Ouma wanted so, he can just break off the contract. " He took a step closer to glare at Shuichi. " I can make him my weapon after this event for all you know. "

Shuichi growled at him. " He won't. His My partner. "

" Yeah of course. A Saihara wouldn't understand any of us. He'll leave you for a better Meister. "

" Me being a Saihara doesn't have anything to do with this! "

Nidai sighed before turning his back at them to walk away. " You've been raised in your own world of course it does. "

Shuichi frowned before looking at Kokichi who seems to be staring at Nidai. His frowned deepened in displeasure before grabbing Kokichi's hand to pull him back to the group.
" I don't. I... He won't leave me... "

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