「️The Owner of This Weapon 」️「️Chapter 29」️

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Kiibo's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to see Shirogane staring at me. Her eyes seemingly having an eerie glowing cyan color.

" Oh uh..! " I checked my installed clock with the feature displaying the time on the upper right side of my vision.
3:45am?! That's too early!!
" Uh! Good morning??" I greeted with an awkward wave. Shirogane blinked her eyes went back to not glowing kind. She gave me a nervous smile before awkwardly waving like what I did.

" Eh? Uh. Morning to you too? " She replied awkwardly as awkward as an awkward social interaction of a nervous person is towards their significant love interest.

" Yes morning. " I briefly replied back not knowing what to reply to her greetings.

" It is morning huh.. "

" It is... "

Shirogane looked to the side. " uh. Today we'll be switching partners again huh.. "

" Yeah and all we did was sleep and not bond. Should we have a buddy time hang out session like the other friend group does? "

" No. " Shirogane instantly replied to me making me feel down.

Maybe I should ask the professor to update my interaction skills.

I nervously looked around the room nothing too ordinary or exaggerated. She suddenly cleared her throat with a cough to get my attention. " Um... I heard Ouma kun and you are friends... " I gave her an unsure nod.
Am I really friends with Kokichi?
" I wanted to be close with Ouma kun... So um can you like set us up? "

Set us up?
" A date?! " I exclaimed surprised that a human other than Shuichi, Naegi and Rantaro was willing to spend time with Kokichi.

" It can be. I mean like—" she blushes. " A blind da— "

I raised an arm in rejection. " My apologies but Kokichi is dating Shuichi I will not make a disturbance in their relationship. " I informed in a monotone voice.

I heard her click her tongue before she stood up. " Have it your way. " She went over to me and pulled out a machine of some sort like a remote or so and then it went black.


No one's POV

Everyone had gathered at the lobby. It was the last day but the teachers weren't present not even Naegi. Shuichi paced around the crowd looking for Kokichi while the others chatted away the silence. Kokichi stood there with a blank face staring at the front of the crowd when Shuichi followed his gaze he saw that Kokichi was eyeing Ryoko.

" Kokichi? "

Kokichi snapped out of his daze to look over to Shuichi. " Good morning my beloved! " He cheered wrapping his arms around Shuichi's neck before kissing his cheek. " Saihara chan looks extra emo today than usual looks like he had a oh so wonderful beauty sleep! "

" You talk like that but you actually miss me right? "

Kokichi grinned. " Bingo~! Saihara chan always catches me when I lie how boring! Boo! "

Shuichi softly smiled at him before kissing his forehead. " Good morning to you too Kokichi. " Shuichi pulled Kokichi over to where their class had gathered which was in the Kaede's room. " I bought Kokichi. " He announced.

" Good! " Kaede cheered with a clap as everyone gathered in a circle. " Let's just pass the time like this until the teachers arrive. The crowd outside is massive! "

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