「️The Owner of This Weapon 」️「️Chapter 16」️

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Ouma tried to kill his Uncle?
What in the world? Ouma slowly hid his weapon form but he didn't turn to Saihara. Not now.

" What? " Saihara breathlessly asked still trying to grasp the situation properly. His Uncle slowly closed the door and smiled at Saihara. Saihara was taken back for a minute trying to calm his nerves soon after. Uncle had returned so early. " How did you get here so early?? Uncle I thought you still had business to do? "

His Uncle smiled.
" I walked. And I do still have business to do. Just wanted to take care of something before that. "

" That? " He walked? Uncle walked home from the funeral home which was an hour if by foot. " We took a cab uncle. "

His uncle's smile slowly dropped into a blank expression. Eyes empty and dull that Saihara could almost think it looked identical to Ouma's. " You've picked up such bad habits now Saihara. Trying to stick your nose into everything everyone does and say. " He kneeled down and plunge his knife on Ouma's sides, certain to not pierce any important organs so that he won't die that easily.
" I've kept him as a good boy so far is this because of you? "

" I'm... n-no... " He grabbed Haiji's arm before he can move away from him. Ouma shook his head quickly eyes pleadingly asking him to not do it.
' Haiji Towa is dangerous for Saihara'
Ouma's mind reminded him while he tried hold back a cough with blood.
" T- towa... san... " Ouma called out.

" Uncle? What are you trying to do? "

" Kill a pest hanging around this thing. My lady is about to wake up and claim this world anyways so the sooner this contract is ruined the better. "

" Your lady? Claim the world? W-what? Uncle have you gone crazy!?! " Saihara took a step back.

" Sai.. hara chan... Order...? Kill him? " Ouma tried to speak out. His throat hurts the blood felt like it was starting to make him light headed.

" No! Don't! You can't kill my uncle! He's my only family left! " Saihara panicked which made him yell. His Uncle kicked Ouma offed him so he started to head over to Saihara.
"Uncle please snap out of it! I'm sure Auntie wouldn't like to see you like this! "

Ouma slowly stood up from the kick that made him hit the floor, back slamming on the couch. Pink blood painting half of his scarf pink. He used his weapon, cloths with tips formed into spikes, and charged at Haiji. Saihara was shock and in panic. His body reacted quickly and he got into the way, blocking Ouma's blades from stabbing it's target. Ouma's eyes widened before he averted his blades to let it lightly create cuts on Saihara's shoulders.
" Why!?! Saihara chan! " He managed to yell out before barely vomiting blood out of his mouth.

Saihara glared at Ouma. " You can't! He's my family! He's the only one I have! He's important to me! "

Haiji smirked at Ouma from behind Saihara, the navy haired boy not noticing it.

Truthfully his Uncle was like his real father to Saihara. The father who raised him and thought him things as he grew up something his parents failed to do, though his mother secretly sends him money. The guidance and affection his Uncle and Auntie gave him was still different to his mother. He really loved these two. Even if his Uncle sometimes get scary and gets mood swings. He love these two with this life of his. Maybe his Uncle can still be saved.
Maybe Just Maybe his Uncle can still stray away from Despair and come back to hope.

Haiji snickered knowing that his nephew had started to get overwhelmed with his thoughts and he was sure that Ouma noticed that too. He snickered in front of Ouma in a taunting way which made Ouma glare at him. He mouthed something and after Ouma had read his lips the thought process soon followed then a glare.

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