「️The Owner of This Weapon 」️「️Chapter 28」️

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Maki scowled at Kokichi after that few hours of being informed of Shuichi's relationship with the Weapon. She doesn't like it. She deems the relationship toxic if in any way it involves that Vile Rat. He must have did something to make Shuichi agree to this lie.

A prank maybe? But Shuichi wouldn't take it so far as to do what he's doing right now.
She thought before eyeing Shuichi.

Right now, Kokichi was sitting on Shuichi's lap. Shuichi spoon feeding the embarrassed red faced murdering machine Ouma Kokichi. Maki growled in displeasure. The brat was a bad influence she just know that something bad would happen if Shuichi keeps getting involve with that Rat.

That's right. He's a rat. She calls him a rat as she knew it's an offending insult someone can say to a japanese person or for a damn lying gremlin like him. She doesn't care if she hurts that thing's feelings her priority is Shuichi's feelings since he's her friend. She wants only the best of her friends not anything that can hurt them or even toy with their heart.

" Maki roll? "

" What? " She answered, snappier than usual.

" It's a-okay! I support them so you should too! " Kaito encouraged with that idiotic smile Maki frowns at but inside, she feels her heart beating a lot faster than a normal heartbeat.

" He might hurt Shuichi. " She stated glancing at her friend before glaring at Kokichi like a menace he is.

" So? I think Sidekick knows that. I'm sure a relationship is a bumpy ride but with hope and communication y'all get through it all! "

Maki rolled her eyes. " You talk as if you dated someone before. "

Kaito's face went red. " N-no! It's not like that! I haven't but I'm sure it's like that! My gut tells me so! "

Maki sighed. " So you believe in your gut? That's idiotic. "

Kaito grinned and showed a thumbs up. " Hey you'll never know. Your gut is usually your subconscious instincts and in a fight or flight moment they help you move naturally! "

Maki sighed once more listening to the idiot. " You're such a dumbass. " She shook her head with a small smile on her lips. " Gosh why is your head more empty than a monkey. "

" H-hey! "

" Shuichi, can I borrow Kokichi for a second? " Rantaro questioned with his hand raised to his chest, palms faced to them, in a form of showing his harmless.

Shuichi frowned before hugging Kokichi. " Of course not. I want Kokichi to stay beside me today since tomorrow would be the room mate switch. "

Kokichi's face went blank but inside he was squealing. Inner him was throwing tables and fangirling at how confident Shuichi was being even at how possessive he was to tell his pretend brother Rantaro to fuck off.

" Woah there! I can totally tell which one is the bottom between them! Guess the little shit's gonna be getting that long thick di— "

" Kokichi is too young! That's inappropriate! " Kiibo exclaimed.

" You talk as if you're this menace parent! "

" Nyeh? But isn't Ouma an orphan? "

Everyone soon quiet down after Himiko's remark. They slowly eyed the shorter purple head boy who was now silent on Shuichi's lap.

" Wait. Why are you two here!?! " Kiibo gasped pointing an accusing finger at the two sitting with them on their class table.

" Nyeh..? Our class didn't even went to school so we're like the only two present and forced to participate.. it drains my mana so bad that I have to do all this and not sleep. "

The Owner of This Weapon[Discontinued]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin