Chapter 21: The Plan pt.2

21 3 1

3 years later

Syrahbi Allure Smith
Atlanta, GA

I watched the water drip from the bath tub faucet as I was getting a bubble bath ready. "Blessing bring your behind in here, I know you hear me calling you!" I said sternly from the bathroom that was in her room "mama I coming, see" she said as her voice got closer. She waddled in the bathroom making me laugh as I heard her room door close. "Who is that?" I asked "it's me Lury" Riiah said waddling in behind her niece making me laugh even harder.

My sister was 6 months pregnant now and bringing her ass over here everyday so I can take care of her ass. "sissyyyyyy" she dragged sitting on the toilet, I just know she about so ask for some shit. I laughed taking blessings clothes off so she could get in the bath. "Mariiah what can I do for you today" I rolled my eyes making her scrunch her face up. "Don't be rude, anyway I want some food" she said looking off then smiling really hard. "What you want? I can go get you something boo" I said watching blessing play around in the water, she looked so much like her father I often found myself admiring her even when she slept. "She do look so much like Dee" Riiah cooed as her voice cracked, "don't have nothing from my sister at allll" she dragged as blessing laughed "don't laugh at me" I pouted mushing her head "no but I want you to cook, Mani told me to tell you to cook" she said resting her hand on her stomach, "whyyyyyy" I dragged as I washed blessing with this soap that Blanca had told me was a good Spanish soap, I just decided to try because her mother kept yelling at me "una cabeza dura hace un culo suave". The bathroom was quiet as I rinsed her off and grabbed her towel to take her in the room.

I got her dressed as I watched Riiah getting comfortable on her bed. "Mariiah who is helping you up?" I joked looking down at her on the small princess bed "ummm my niece" she said matter of factly as blessing palmed her face. I helped her up off the bed as I laughed lightly, "alright I'll go to the supermarket now" I said as we walked down the stairs, I sported blessing on my hip as she twirled her tiny fingers through my hair and put her down once we reached the living room.

Since leaving New York we all moved around, first I lived in Raleigh with blessing and Blanc while she was depressed over losing Na'Shawn, Riiah and Mani stayed in PA and Sydell and Yena moved to Charlotte. I decided that I couldn't live with Blanc anymore and she realized that I was hindering her somewhat. And as a family we all realized it didn't feel right to live so apart from each other so we all moved into this little gated community in Atlanta.

"Ohhh Mani is waiting for you in his car" she responded to me nonchalantly as she played through blessings hair, they were both laying on the couch. I laughed and smiled as I watched them, their relationship was amazing to me.

"Okay, well I'm going" I said giving them both a kiss on the forehead. "Okay be safe" she said smiling at me "yes safe mama!" Blessing yelled lowly reminding me of myself. Making me laugh I walked to the door "I love the both of you" I said before closing the door and locking up.

As I stepped in the car I gave Armani a dap as he pulled out of my driveway. I was neighbors with all my friends, my family at that and living a life I dreamed of. The only thing missing was my husband, blessings birthday was coming up soon and I hadn't seen Damarian in three years.

*Flashback, Omniscient*

As they crept our way around the house they split up, after everyone made it in the house they heard the water running in the bathroom, paying it no mind they began walking around the house.

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