Chapter 8: I got eyes for you

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Armani Douglas Bennett
Los Angeles, California

"I RUN LA" Riiah yelled as we walked out of LAX. "I...... RUN....L A" she yelled in Sy's face, earning herself a death stare. "Alright Mariiah stop pla-" Dell was cut off by Sy "I WILL BEAT CHO MUHFUCKIN ASS" she yelled chasing after riiah sounding country ass fuck.

"Man, I thought niggas was gon get it crazy" Na2 said laughing, "My nigga, remember we used to be over my aunt Queenie house and they used to be thinking shit was wrestling?" Dell asked 2 laughing hard. "OKAY okay" Sy said walking over out of breath, "Don't do too much" Riiah said walking over holding one hand on her chest "bitch you almost got me".

As soon as we stepped off the plane it was like Sy's energy changed. She put more pep in her step and was joking around with all of us.

"Yo let me talk to you" I said in a hushed tone walking over to Blizz. "Nah I ain't tryna hear that" he said waving me off. "You don't really have no other options but to talk right now" I said raising my voice a little drawing attention to us

"Our cars about to be here mani" Sy yelled over the group "Aight" I said turning my attention back to Blizz. "Now what happened bro, where this bitch come from and how she pregnant?" I asked scrunching up my face

He looked up at me blankly, then confused "that's why she's not talking to me?" He asked "Answer my question, don't ignore my shit. you fucked without a condom?" I asked pinching the bridge of my nose

"I fucked up" he said holding his head looking worried "FUCK!" He yelled causing the group to run over. "It's alright I got it" I said holding my head down, "okay well in 5" Sy said walking away with everyone else

"Calm down, and tell me what happened on the plane" I said holding his shoulder.

Jackson Tamori Bennett

*on the plane*

"I can't believe this is real" Sy said holding her head against the window. "I thought you said your last time "not cheating" was your last time, I can't believe I would even listen to some shit like that" she said lowly, on the verge of tears as I sat there staring into space "first it was makeup in your jeans, then perfume in your car". "She was leaving me clues and I just" she paused and stayed quiet

"Toot i-" I was cut off by her laughing lowly, deeply. "I'm sorry" I said holding my head down

"I don't have anything to say, I can't take it back I'm sorry. Just stay with me I promise I'm going to do better" I said as tears began to fill my eyes. "Don't give up on me" I said lowly as I got on my knees infront of my chair wrapping my arms around her waist, letting my head fall in her lap

"I'm going to make it hurt" she whispered into my ear "and you'll never be the same" she said even lower kissing the tip of my ear.

I sat there, feeling lost. Lost for words, like I'd lost everything "get off of me" she said lowly with tears falling down her face.


"And after that, she didn't say shit else to me the whole time" I said holding the back of my neck "she just sat there laughing, crying or just plain spaced out" I said blowing out a breath that I didn't know I was holding

"Damn my nigga say something" I semi yelled at Biggs looking at him staring at me. "You don't have anything to say?" He said raising his voice. "Man, you really my brother but I swear, you do the dumbest shit ever" he spat shaking his head "on my mother. MY mother you tripping forreal" he said walking away from me

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