Chapter 25: A Grand Resurrection

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*4 months later*

Mariiah Aphrodite Smith
Atlanta, GA

"HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYY" Lury whispered yelled as soon as I answered her FaceTime call making me smile "I love you so much now please get out the bed and show me my nephew" she cheesed into the phone as my smile dropped. I swung my feet off the bed, looking to my right I realized Armani wasn't there. "You wasn't even in the room with him? HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYY BITCHHHHHH" she screamed "I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I love you" she started to yell but got quieter once she saw me walking into the nursery making me laugh.

"He not even sleep look" I said as I turned the camera around looking at my beautiful baby. I often found myself staring at him for hours, his skin was a deep mahogany, his hair was so thick and curly and truly I could look into his big brown eyes forever.

"Hello, you don't hear me talking to you?" I heard looking down at my phone, Lury was now in her car and driving. "Where you going?" I asked scrunching my face up "I'm coming over there, I been saying that for like five minutes" she said "ohhhhhh I didn't even hear you to be honest" I shrugged as I picked Amiir up and brought him into the main bathroom, he was so small I took advantage of bathing him in the sink as often as I could.

"Okay you about to bathe him and get him ready and I have to get my hair done so when I'm done he should be ready to go Mariiah" she spoke smartly "now he won't be bitch later!" I said hanging up. Making sure the water was warm I ran the water over his hair as he smiled at me "your auntie gonna curse me out fat man" I cooed as I played with his cheeks in one of my hands and cradled him with the other "my handsome little man" I cooed lightly as I watched him falling asleep.

After I finished getting Amiir dressed I placed him in the bassinet in our room as I walked into our bathroom. I started the shower after brushing my teeth I got in. I heard my phone ringing making me suck my teeth, answering after drying off my hands "why you wait to call when I'm doing shit" I huffed "WELL HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAY TOO YOUUUUUUU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUU HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCHHHH" Blanca sung into the phone, I swear it was like these bitches be more hype for this day than me "alexaaaa play ratchet happy birthday" I heard Vonni coming close to the phone "happy birthday gangg" he dragged as the song started making Blanca laugh I could tell she was weak without even looking at the phone.

"Thank you y'allllllll, what color you wearing V?" I asked "blue jacket, blue cap with them Gucci's" he said "alright that's fine nobody else on blue" I said thinking "Blanc?" I asked "white like you asked, I found something Mami" she said making me smile "okay good, yayyy" I danced almost slipping in the shower I rinsed the soap off my body, turning the water off and grabbing my towel. "I did some shit to my hair, Sy and Ceivonni like it but ion know, I didn't show anybody else yet" she said nervously "let me see" I said walking into the room seeing Amiir was still sleeping she moved her face into the camera making me suck my teeth "Blanc you look so fucking pretty" I cheesed into the phone making her blush "thank you mamiiii" she blew a kiss "but I see you getting ready so I will see you later beautiful" she said "okay see y'all later" I said before hanging up checking my texts

My Love 👨‍👩‍👦💍
GoodMorning and happy birthday beautiful, if you went into the nursery already you've found your first gift under our little masterpiece. I have 23 gifts for you today baby but it is up to you to find them 😘😍 I can't wait for tonight happy birthday baby girl.

I smiled, but didn't bother to respond because where tf is this nigga at "all gone but leaving gifts" I said out loud to myself as I walked into the nursery seeing an envelope in Amiir's crib. I smiled walking over and brought it in the room to open it as I finished getting ready. Weirdly I got butterflies in my stomach as I opened it and felt tears collecting at the brim of my eyes as I read the note

Learn to love the moon Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat