Chapter 29: Oh HELL NO!

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11 months later

Syrahbi Allure Smith
Atlanta, GA

"Oh my goodness I can't believe my baby turns four tomorrow" I said with tears forming in my eyes as Blessing laid across my lap "bitch you better not start crying" Riiah said laughing "you pregnant?" Blanca asked seriously making my face go straight "no i am fucking not" I said offended "yes you are, you better not had killed my baby ether" Semaad said coming all the way from the basement, his "man cave".

*flashback* 8 months and 3 weeks after the vacation
"I don't understand why you just don't give him a key, you practically live together" Blanca said to me on FaceTime as I was finally setting up blessings room in my new house. I wanted to expand and also work from home so I needed a few extra rooms, "because he didn't ask me for one espy and I don't want to be too forward" I said shaking my head as I put blessings bed together " awww omg I can't believe my god baby is going to be four this year" she said making me laugh. We recently had Blessings christening ceremony and her baptism and It occurred to me that Mariiah, Armani, Ceivonni and Esperanza were the only people ever in life allowed to come near my child if anything were to happen to me.

"Yes, I could cry I have the cutest party planned I'm sending out the invitations in a week" I said smiling "and mother fuckers better like my theme too" I said laughing making her laugh. I sat the phone up on the dresser which was the only thing set up in here and I draped the canopy over the bed "that's a big ass bed" I heard Riiah say as she finally joined the group call "yea? Well my princess won't even feel one little pea in this bed" I said putting her sheets on the mattress that finally puffed out. "Eww you so poetic it's adorable" Riiah laughed "oooo that's one of them Lull mattresses?" Blanca asked "yes this shit is bomb y'all have to get them".

After another three hours of setting up her room it was finally finished and I was getting tired "alright y'all I think I'm going down for the night I love you guys" I said blowing kisses "we love you too" they said in unison, I hung up the phone and walked to the kitchen "Blessing" I called lowly but loud enough for her to hear "yes mommy" she called out dragging her vacuum toy down the hall making me mentally roll my eyes at Mariiah for buying it for her. She appeared in the kitchen smiling showing all of her teeth "yes mommy?" She looked at me through her curly hair that had fallen in front of her face "come here you silly girl" I laughed picking her up and placing her in her high chair that sat adjacent to the island "you want something savory? Or something spicy?" I asked placing my head in my hands smiling at her "picy" she smiled back making me laugh "Rasta pasta from your god mommy it is" I said pulling the bowl out of the fridge and placing it in a pot. After heating it I set out three plates and put one away "here mamas" I said giving her a plate and a fork "unt unt, spoon" she said making me laugh hard "ask nicely next time" I said giving her a spoon and taking the fork "thank you" she said before stuffing a piece of chicken in her mouth "I love you" I said making her blush " I love you" she said back smiling.

After we ate I gave her a bath and showed off her room "do you like it?" I asked as I tucked her in "yes" she said lowly yawning I leaned over and gave her a kiss. I turned her light off leaving her door open a crack walking to the kitchen to wash the dishes when I heard a knock on the door "thank you" Semaad said stepping in as he placed a kiss on my forehead, he took his hoodie off and hung it up by the door after closing and locking it. He rolled a suitcase into the kitchen with him "why you have a suitcase?" I asked heating up his food "cause I'm leaving" he said as I grabbed his food out of the microwave giving him a fork "Semaad stop playing with me" I rolled my eyes " you want water?" I asked going to the fridge "yes and nah this is the last of my stuff from Florida I sold my house" he said smiling "that's good my love" I said handing him his water as she took in his features smiling.

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