Perfect date!

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Arthit pov..

Buzzzz Buzzzz
Who made this alarm clock? I pressed the snooze button and again closed my eyes to sleep.

"Oon wake up it's 9:15." Mae banged the door.

"What? I glanced at the clock. Oh my god he will be here by 10. I immediately woke up, telling mae that I am up, I went into the bathroom.

After taking a warm bath I walked to the wardrobe, I wore black color clothes on purpose, suddenly my gaze fell on the perfume that he gave me on my b'day. I didn't use it before but today I will...

I was ready on time and he called me. He must be here. I wore my shoes.
Bidding them goodbye I came outside. I already talked about this with all of them yesterday.

I saw him leaning against the car. He was wearing blue t-shirt which was fitting him perfectly. I remember that I was the one who selected he wore it on purpose and ripped black jeans, aviator sunglasses, perfectly combed hair.
But why he have to wear ripped jeans? Why he have to look so perfect? If he looks this handsome then I will have to be protective.

He was looking at me with open mouth and wide eyes. I went to him and called him to bring him in reality and also closed his mouth.
He opened the door for me which was not at all necessary. We sat in the car and he started driving.

I asked him where is he taking me? But instead of answering. He asked me where I want to go and then finally we decided to go for movie first.

It was romantic love story. After so many months I watched a movie. Last time I watched with P'Malee and children. But today I am happy that I sat beside Kongpob and watched the movie.

"Phi how was the movie?"

"It was good" I took my phone and started clicking his pictures. He was looking around and was unaware.

"Very handsome." I muttered, smile appeared on my face.

"Phi did you say something?" Oops! did I speak that loud?

"A....that I said let's click some pictures."

"Oh yes." We clicked some and he pulled me to eat something.

After eating,
"Kongpob where are we going now?"

"You will come to know." Huh why can't he tell me?

"Theme park!" I yelled loudly when I saw the place. Am I a little kid that he brought me here. He hold my wrist and we ran inside.

Oh so he wanted to take me here that's why he asked me to eat less and for that he called me chubby so that I should eat less. Little kid...

But I must admit that I seriously enjoyed all the rides. We both enjoyed together I never enjoyed at this point before, I am thankful that he brought me here. I am so happy today and it's possible only because of Kongpob. I thanked him for that. He is the greatest thing happened to me. I am luckiest to have him beside me.


He took me to a lavish restaurant.

"Kongpob it's very expensive."

"Phi let's go. You don't have to think so much." He held my hand and we walked inside. I don't want him to spend so much money on me.

We both sat on the sofa. It's not like I never went in big restaurants but this is at a very different level. It was very luxurious.

It was a beautiful place with good atmosphere. Soft music was playing in the background. It was not very crowdy but still people were there.

"P just order whatever you want. It's on me." He pushed the menu card towards me.

"Kongpob seriously it's very expensive."

"P I told you to order."

"Aaa..ok first let's make a deal."

"What deal?"

"Next will be on me."

"O hooooo so indirectly P'Arthit is asking me on a date." I rolled my eyes. "Ok deal and I am always ready to go with you. But now order I know you are hungry."

We both order and ate talking about randome stuffs.

"Phi eat this."

"No Kongpob my stomach is already full. Now there is no place for a single drop of water." I shook my head, keeping my hand on my stomach.

"P it's not fair."

"Now what happened?"

"Why you behave so cute. You look cute in that pout." He pulled my cheek.

My eyes went wider,
"KONGPOB idiot." I looked around if anyone is looking at us. But thankgod no one was looking.


We reached home, saying him goodbye, I walked towards the door.

"P'Arthit." When he called me I was standing in front of the door. I turned to look at the owner's voice. He was standing behind me. When did he come here?

"Aao why didn't you go?" He shook his head, came to me and hugged me.

"Thankyou so much Kongpob. I enjoyed a lot."

"P I am happy that I could make you smile." We parted and looked into each other's eyes.

"P when will we meet again?" He asked caressing my cheek.

"We will meet soon. Now go, your mae must be worried about you."

"Yes." He intertwined our finger.
"I will miss you P."

"I will miss you too. Drive safely and don't forget to message me after you reach. Now go." I turned him around and pushed him.

"Yes P bye goodnight and don't forget to dream about me." He winked

"Crazy. Bye goodnight."

"Bye goodnight."


I opened the door with a spare key that was with me and went inside. I gently went to my room. After changing my clothes and getting fresh I went to children's room, they were sleeping peacefully. I came back to my room.

I laid on the bed and started to watch the candid pictures I clicked.

"I am myself when I am with you. I feel comfortable with you. I don't have to hesitate or stay quite and can speak whatever I want. Thankyou so much Kong for introducing me with myself again."

"Arthit seriously you talking with his picture." I shook my head and kept the phone aside and was still waiting for for his message. Suddenly there was a notification sound. I opened it,

I am home, now don't worry and sleep tight. Goodnight.

Ok you too sleep. Goodnight.
I send the message.


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