It's a very special day!

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Kongpob pov..

It was my so called date with Jerry. I was not in a mood but I had to go. She came all the way from Australia and she will go to her home in few days, so I am here shopping with her.

We were in jewellery shop and she was selecting earrings and god knows what...meanwhile I was looking around, I saw a bracelet. It will look good on P'Arthit wrist.
'P'Arthit' why the heck am I thinking about him?

I brushed the thoughts and still looking around, suddenly I felt like Phi is here, my heart started to beat fast. I was about to turn around, but she came to me,
"Hey Kong how is this looking on me?" She asked me showing the necklace.

"Oh it's good, very beautiful!" Seriously earlier she was looking earrings and now necklace.

"Really, come on help me to select some of them." She pulled my arms and took me with her. She is very excited.

But why I felt like phi is here somewhere around. I finally turned back and saw through the glass door, I saw him, I walked closer and found his eyes were teary, he was talking with someone. I walked out of the shop but before I reach he already left  that place.

I saw tears in his eyes. What happened to him? I need to check it out. I went inside the shop because I need to tell her. She was paying the bill.

I went to her,
"Jerry." I called her.

"Kong where were you?"

"Jerry listern to me na I got an urgent work. I am so sorry I will not be able to continue after this. What about tomorrow? I promise you please." I requested her.

"Ok I don't have any problem, but can you drop me at home."

"Of course come on let's go." I pulled her with me.

"Hey slow down." She said.

After dropping her I drove my car to Phi's house. Did he see me? If he saw me then why didn't he talk with me? Is he that angry on me that he don't want to talk? And why his eyes were teary?

Finally I reached there with many questions in my mind. Parking my car I went to the door and rang the doorbell. I suddenly remember the day I came into this house as a tenant and met these wonderful people.
I was nervous because I will see him after so many days.

My hands were sweating, it did not sweat this much when I gave my first presentation in the office. I again rang the bell,
The door opened by P'Malee.


"Kongpob what did you do?" What is she talking about?
"Come inside now." She moved aside and as I entered I saw him standing with his hands fold. 'P'ARTHIT' now my heart started beating more faster. I unknowingly started walking towards him. I seriously missed him. The things I feel for him I cannot feel for anyone else.

"P'Arthit." I called him still walking.

"Oh Kongpob so you are here to give me your wedding card." He said with a smile.

I stopped on my track and looked at P'Malee who was standing with Prince and Rune. I am seeing them after so many days. I looked at uncle and aunty.
What is he talking about? Why is he talking like this?

"P'Arthit what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Oh now don't do this Kongpob just give me the card and we will definitely come I promise. Am I right mae pho?" He was still smiling.

"Phi I am not here to give you any invitation or something. I saw you at the mall, I saw tears in your eyes, I was worried about you therefore I came here, what happened?" He was now glaring at me.

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