A new tenant.

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Arthit pov..

Next day it was lunch time, we ate a gargantuan meal made by mae and of course me, after random talks, in the evening we bid farewell to him.
I took a long breath, thinking who will come here and occupy this vacant room.

It was 9pm, i was sitting reading my book in living room, Rune and Prince were drawing something, but i couldn't recognize it and don't know what exactly they wanted to draw? Pho and mae were sitting watching TV and suddenly his mobile buzzed.

He was talking with someone i don't know who, but after he finished talking, he called me..

"Oon come here!" He said patting the seat beside him, i went and sat.

He started speaking,"do you remember uncle Ton my friend, he was asking about the room if its available. He said that he have his nephew's friend who want a room on rent, if you don't mind." He was looking at me for answer.

"Pho, i don't mind." I gave a short reply with no expression, its of no use to talk with him on this topic.

"I already told him anyway." He said and i looked at him, then why he asked me...i thought to myself and shook my head.

He glanced at me and continued,"you know that i don't lend room on rent to earn money. It's just vacant and of no use for us, so i want to make it useful, leanding it on rent who needs it, are you getting me." He said, i looked at  mae who was looking at us listerning to our talks. She was now looking at me for my reaction.

I nodded, without saying anything.

"Oon, one more thing he is very close to my friend and his family so we have to take care of him. So i..before he continue, i intruppted

"Pho i will don't worry even if i don't trust anyone, i will do only because you are telling me." I said shifting my gaze on TV.

He patted on my hand and continue, "another thing is, his nephew is coming to check the room." He said

"Huh! Now at this time, its 10 past 9pm." I asked him to confirm raising my eyebrows.

"Yes oon and have you cleaned the room?" He asked with knitted brows.

"I already cleaned it, don't worry." I replied immediately.

"Thanku my son." His lips curved into smile.

"No need to thank me pho, i do it only for you." Saying this i went back to my place. Seriously who comes to check room at this hour, who is so eager? forget it. Ignoring my thoughts, i again continued reading my book.

Ting tong...

"Its ok, i will go." I said to mae who was about to go and walked towards the door.

I opened the door, "hello p! I am Lee, sorry to disturb you at this time, but i am here to check the room, my uncle called Niran uncle earlier." He said everything in one go.

"Oh ya come inside." I was about to turn but he said, "no i am ok, its already late and again i have to come tomorrow."

"Ok, i will bring the keys." I said and went inside to take the keys.

I came inside and took the keys from the drawer
"Pho i am going upstairs to show him the room." I told him

"Hmmm why don't you call him inside." He looked at me and said.

"I asked him, but he said its late already and he is going to come tomorrow, i think he might be in hurry." I told him what he said.

"Hmmm ok."

We went upstairs, inserting the keys into the lock, i opened the door. He went inside and was looking all around, checking the whole room.

"How is it." I asked him still standing at door with cross arms.

"Its good parthit." He said still looking around, "He will like it." He added.

"Hmmmm and who is going to live here, do you know him?" I asked him.

"My friend." He gave a short reply and  turned to look at me.

After he finished, i locked the door
"Thankyou so much p and sorry that i disturbed you." He said getting down the stairs.

"Its ok, Lee did we meet before, because i think that i saw you somewhere." I asked him with frowned eyebrows trying to remember, where i saw him.

"Emmmm yes p, we met at my dad's retirement party." He looked at me with smile.

"Oh yes, i remember now," I continued, "by the way do you know what all documents you will need to bring and a tenant have to fill the form for some details.

"Yes p, uncle told everything earlier, i will tell him and about form, i will fill it now." He said

"Are you sure." I asked him for confirmation.

"Yes p i will do it, he is my close friend you can say my best friend. Actually we help each other. When i need him he is always there for me." He replied playing with his car keys.

I nodded and went inside to bring the form, i brought the form and he started filling the information about the tenant.

"What kind of person is he?" I asked him breaking the silence. I want to now because he is going to live here, and i am very protective towards my children.

"P, he is good person and trustworthy, there is no doubt in that. Just kind of childish sometime." He replied filling the form.

"Hmmm." I just hummed on what he said.

"TRUST" i hate this word, i don't trust anyone...my thoughts intruppted when i heard my name being called.

"Parthit done, tomorrow i will come with him, with all the documents and advance payment." He handed me a paper and said.

"Ok" i nooded and hold the paper.

"Lee when is he going to shift here?" I asked him with curiosity.

"Tomorrow itself p, ok than bye, good night and thanku for helping." He wave his hand with smile on his face.

"Hey, its ok." I waved him bye and he left.

I looked at the piece of paper to see the name, it was written,


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