Life changes everyday.

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Arthit pov..

After i came from office, i got fresh and helped mae in cooking. After that it was already 8:45 but still Kongpob didn't come yet. He didn't even call anyone.

"Should i call him." Pho asked us.

"I think we should wait, what if he is in some meeting we should not disturb him." Mae replied.

"Yes! You are right."

"Oon you eat your meal, i will wait for him."

"But mae why we have to wait." I whined

"Because it does not look good if he eat alone." After she spoke i shut my mouth.

"You eat."

"No mae last time you waited, but this time i don't want you to wait, you have medicine to take after the meal and need to sleep on time. A....a..i will wait for him you eat." Why on the earth i have to do. He is just enjoying VIP treatment from us. I serve all of them and sat beside Prince because if he did not eat properly than i have to feed him.
After there dinner i cleaned the kitchen. Should i call him?
Why can't he atleast inform that he's gonna be late...i started to read my book in living room, i was fully engrossed in it. I lifted my face when i heard a voice calling me, Finally!
He was saying sorry i asked him why, he replied he already ate. Why didn't he inform, but why he will inform after all he is paying us money.  But it was his responsibility to inform and thankgod that i asked mae to eat.


I performed my morning routine, i was busy this morning because i had to go early today.

In the evening, after dinner i was walking in frontyard.
"P'Arthit." I turned as he called me.

"Are you still angry on me." He asked me intertwining his own fingers.

"Kongpob why i will be angry, i am not angry." Why he is asking the same question again and again.

"Than why aren't you talking with me."

"In the morning i was too busy to talk." I again started walking.

"I promise that i will not repeat this mistake again."

Suddenly there was a power outage. Nothing was visible, there was no light not even the moon light, but why all of a sudden the power went out?

"Kongpob do you have mobile with you." I don't know where he was standing but i asked.

"No p its upstairs, don't worry i will go." He said.

"No, those stairs are dangerous to climb in dark, don't move ok i am going inside to bring the torch so that you can go."

"P please be carefull."

"Hmmmm." Now seriously i was born here and know every corner of this house and he is telling me to be careful anyway. I slowly went inside and took the torch, turning it on i came outside. As i was about to hand it to him, 'power has come back'

"P i am sorry but electricity is back on." He pointed the light bulb controlling his laughter.

"Yes i can see that." I replied, as i said he bursted into laughter.

Its ridiculous i went inside fighting with the darkness and now this...i shook my head and smile appeared on my face seeing him laughing.

I changed my expression,"hey go now its already late." I said in a stern voice.

"Ok, p good night, but now you already brought this than let me take it with me so that you will not feel bad." He pointed the torch that i already turned off.

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