Reunion of two hearts.

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Kongpob pov..

Whole night I didn't sleep I calmed myself but I was still angry on him he can say he don't love me anymore.
But did he go back? Or did he go to another room? I walked towards the door to find out. I gently opened the door and peeked if he still there or not.

He was still there sitting on the floor leaning against the wall with closed eyes. I was about to close the door but he pushed the door and came inside. I glanced at him,

"I told you to go back. Why are you still here?"

"Kongpob..I.." I walked to him.

"Phi I think it's all my fault. I didn't hold your hand tightly that's why you left me. I am sorry P'Arthit."

"No Kongpob please don't say that. No one can love me more then you. No one will ever love me like you."

"Then why you left me in the middle? Why you didn't fight for us, for our love? Why you gave upon us so easily?" My voice raised slightly but I calmed myself,

"Or atleast before you leave me, you should have told me what should I do without you. Before also I told you many times that I can't live without you. You must be thinking that it was a joke but I was not kidding Phi I meant it. I didn't know what to do after this I was not able to see my future because I used to see my future with you."

"Kong Kong." He embrace me tightly and started caressing my hair.
"Why you love me this much? Huh? Everytime I hurt you, why you still love me?" I can feel the warmth. I too reciprocate the hug and inhaled his scent.

"I don't know why I love you so much phi but I feel connected with you. My soul feels yours even we are apart. My every breath takes your name. I love your heart, your simplicity." We parted, his eyes were moisty, I hold his arms, "but why you left me? Why didn't you fight for us?"

"Because she is your mother Kongpob. She is your mother. How can I fight with a mother I cannot come in between both of you, because of me I cannot see you separating, are you getting it? I can fight with whole world but not with our own people. I am sorry." I was shocked to hear what he just said.

"So you found only one way to leave me alone. Phi you freaking left me to di.." Before I complete my sentence I felt his warm lips on mine. My eyes automatically closed, I tilted my head and started kissing. His upper lip was in the middle of my lips. I started sucking and nibbling it. He was kissing me with the same passion. I missed him so much. I pulled him more closer to me. I want him near me like this. I want to tell him how much I missed him in all these days. Everyday was like a punishment for me without him.

We pulled away, we both were panting. His tears started to fell and he again hugged me,

"What's there in life without you P'Arthit."

"I missed you Kong."

"Then why you left me?" He suddenly parted,

"Because your mae told me not to call you, not to meet you. I don't know what to do after that and I didn't want to come between a mother and her son. Then I accepted that I am born to live alone and I don't deserve anyone's love. I am unlucky, I am bad luck..."

"Stop there phi, I hate it when you say something like this. You are not unlucky or bad luck however we all are lucky to have you in our lives and I am the luckiest to get your love. Shit how can you even think like this and you are not alone I am always there with you no matter what. You deserve everyone's love.
You should have talked with me about this. I didn't know anything about this. I called everyone at your home, P'Malee too but no one received my call, I was waiting for your call everyday like a fool, I was worried about you and after waiting when you finally received my call what I heard that you don't love me anymore, how can you say that sentence so easily P'Arthit?"

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