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Kongpob pov..

I woke up and took the mobile to see the time, it showed 7:30 a.m. Sunday, that means no exercise, but I really needed some fresh air to clean my mind that was occupied by yesterday's incident. Tenant, he just think me as a tenant. Don't think about it Kongpob. I brushed aside all the thoughts, rolling out of the bed I walked towards washroom.
Entering, first I looked at myself in the mirror. What you made yourself Kongpob? I splash some water and continued my morning ablution after that I went down. I saw P'Arthit outside. I took a handful of fresh air into my lungs. Why my mood always changes looking at his face?

I was walking towards the gate,

"Kongpob good morning." He greeted.
Shit now I will have to wait. I thought that if I ignore him then this feelings will decrease but heck it's growing day by day.
I turned at his direction,
"Good morning P'Arthit." I gave him a forced smile but when I saw his smile I felt good.

There was a pin-drop silence.

"Going for a walk?" He asked me breaking the silence.

"Ya! Wanna join?" What the heck? This mouth of mine, always betray me. But I really want him to come with me.

"Aaa....ok." He replied. I was happy that I will get to spend some time with him.

It's not like I didn't try, I tried to get rid of these feelings but I think that's next to impossible.
He came wearing the shoes and we started walking.

"Kongpob." He called my name and paused, "yesterday...." he was about to say further but I cut in, I know it will look rude, but I know what he wanted to say.

"Phi let's not talk about it, let's just enjoy the walk." I pushed the topic.

We were walking silently and almost reached the park.

"Are we going in the park?" He asked me pointing the park.

"Yes, do you want to go somewhere else?" I stopped and asked him.

", let's go inside." We again started walking.

We entered the park, of course it was greenery everywhere. I felt the cool breeze touching my face. I again took a long breath and filled the fresh air into my lungs. I turned my face to him he was looking around at the surrounding.

There were not many people maybe because it's sunday, but there were children who came with there parents playing around, old age people were also there, I can see a slight smile on his face,
Damn! I feel peace in my heart, when he smiles.

Today is a special day, no not special but more than special because he is walking besides me.

"P'Arthit do you like to go for a walk?" I broke the silence and started the conversation.

"Yes! I love but I don't get the chance to experience this beauty daily. I don't get time to come, even if it's near the house. Emmm..before I used to come with Rune and Prince but in the evening.
But today after so many days, I am feeling calm and refreshed.
Thankyou Kongpob." The corner of his mouth turned up.

I will always keep you happy P'Oon. You also deserve happiness.

"Then take out sometime for yourself phi, spend somethime with your ownself you will feel good." I was looking down at the waterbottle that was in my hand, but when I turned to see his reaction. He was looking at me with his brows snapped together and in return he only nodded.

He continued walking but I stopped,
How can you be like this?

"Kongpob why you stopped?" As he said I again started walking.

It's not like I didn't control. I controlled myself, I ignored the things but I think it all went in vain. God! I have already fallen for him deeply. I don't know the consequences of loving him, but now I cannot just deny the things, I have accepted myself as I am.

I looked at his direction but he was not there. I looked around and found him with a little girl, he was kneeling down. I walked decreasing the gap and saw her teary eyes. I ran towards them and found graze on her knee. Maybe she fell off the swing and grazed her knee.

"Phi." I called him.

"Kongpob please give waterbottle." He said looking at me. I handed him a water bottle, thankgod I brought it today. He washed and softly patted her knee with the corner of the handkerchief. She was crying now. I patted on his back and gave her some water.

"Shhhshhh nothing happened." Phi said tying the handkerchief on her knee.

"Oh..oh..calm down." He hugged her patting on her head. But where is her gurdian?

"With whom you came here?" He asked her wipping her tears.

"My mommy...bat...I saw this....swin...I wanted...sit on it...bat..i fell." She answered between her sobs.

"Oho don't worry we will find your mommy." He paused, "what is your name?" And added.

"My name is Lily."

"Wow! Beautiful girl have beautiful name." Hearing the compliment she blushed.

"Oh Lily you were here I am searching you all over the park." Her mother came and hugged her.

"What happened to you knee?" She told her mother the whole story.

"I told you many times that don't go anywhere without me."

"Sooli mommy." She pouted.
"Mommy these two uncle helped me." She added.

"Oh thankyou so much for helping my daughter." She stood up and said.

"It's ok, come Lily I will help you to sit on the swing." Phi picked her and made her sit, he started swinging it backward and forward.

She was now laughing loudly, after a while,

"Come let's go now." Her mother picked her up in her arms.

"Thankyou once again." Her mother smiled and started walking.

"Bye." She waved her hand with a smile.

We also waved our hand, I looked at phi he was smiling ear to ear showing his dimple. I swear I saw his dimple not many time. How someone can be so kind hearted? My heartbeats raised again. He looked at me,

I love you P'Arthit.


That day, I finally accepted myself that I was in love with you, I realized that I can't get rid of these feelings not now and never.


----credit to the rightful owner.

Hey everyone,
I hope you all are safe and healthy,
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I broke all the rules only for you ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें