32. He Has Feelings Too..

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Ava's screams filled my home while I was trying to quickly make her bottle. I've been up all night with her and I'm slowly losing my mind.

"I'm coming mama, I'm moving as fast as I can"

I shook the bottle and milk splashed everywhere, the top wasn't tightened.


I took a deep breath, rinsed the bottle off and started to make another one. My brain isn't functioning how it should be right now. King has been acting like a baby wanting to be all under me. He has this cough that just started suddenly and he keeps saying his chest hurts. He's only been out of the hospital for a little over a week. He was released three days before I had Ava and he seemed fine.

I'm a little worried because I believe he's keeping the truth about how he really feels from me. He claims he feels fine. yet he's been following me everywhere I go whining, baby I need you, come lay with me. But he feels fine, fine my ass.

I made sure I tighten the lid on the new bottle and shook it on my way to get Ava. I scooped her up into my arms and put the bottle in her mouth while making my way up the steps. I've been checking on King every few minutes because he scares me with that cough. It doesn't sound like he has a cold it's more like he's wheezing along with the cough.

I held the bottle up with my chin and pushed the door open. He was through the drawers of the nightstand, while coughing and rubbing his chest.

"King are you going go tell me the truth about the cough?"

"I have asthma"

"Can you breathe right now?"

He hesitated to answer the question and then he shrugged his shoulders, so I know he's definitely not okay.

"I really need my inhaler, or I'm gonna have to go to the hospital"

"Well where is it?"

"I don't know"

I slowly swayed from side to side and pat Ava on the back to get her to burp and then hopefully to sleep. I don't really know what to say in response I had no idea he had asthma. He didn't tell me so I'm assuming I wasn't supposed to find out..

"Why do you keep stuff like this from me? We're a team, I think I deserve to know you have asthma. That's not something that you just keep from somone"

He shrugged his shoulders. Sometimes I don't understand why he suffers and acts as if he's okay. I know he doesn't wanna worry me but his health is really important. He'd probably completely lose his breath before he realizes he needs help, and that's sad.

"It's not that serious, why should I give you something else to worry about"

I was just about to help him look I when I spotted his inhaler on the floor by the closet. He should really be more responsible with this kind of stuff. I picked it up and tossed it to him and immediately he started using it. I could only shake my head because this is not something you take lightly. He threw it down on the floor and got up.

"Its empty"

I don't know anyone who has asthma so I'm not really sure how severe the attacks can be.

"Can you call the ambulance please?"

"Where's your phone? I don't have mine with me"

He looked through the covers trying to find it but he'd take to long. So I just went to grab my phone instead of waiting for him to find his own. I held Ava up with my free arm and dialed 911 on my way back upstairs.

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