29. 3D Imaging.

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I rubbed my hands on my pants nervously as I waited to get called back. I've made it to thirty-six weeks and I have take the glucose test. I heard a lot about this test, one being the drink is sugary and tastes like flat soda. I even heard they give you a certain amount of time to drink it. I'm not ready because I really don't know what to expect, what if I throw up..

King raised his eyebrows at me and squeezed my hand, even though he should be home resting. He wanted to come to this appointment and be supportive.


We got up and followed the nurse back into the area where I'd have to drink the glucose stuff. I sat down in the chair and looked around, I don't like the way it looks back here. She handed me the cup with an orange flavored drink.

"You have five minutes to finish the drink"

My eyes damn near fell out of my head, if this is nasty how will I finish it in five minutes?

"Drink it bae, the more you drink the quicker it'll be over"

I took a big sip and it made a face prepared for it to taste disgusting. But it was okay tastes like flat orange soda just a tad bit thicker. I finished it in three sips because I had a feeling I would get tired of drinking it very soon.

I handed the nurse the cup as soon as she turned back around. She was actually shocked I finished so soon, but I wasn't playing. I wanna get in and out of this place, I have the biggest craving for hash browns and steak. I'm trying to get to breakfast down at the diner before it gets crowded.

"You can go have a seat in the waiting room. In one hour we'll take your blood and then you can go about your day"

"An hour? I have to sit and wait one hour?"

"Yes, it'll go by quickly"

"If I miss breakfast, you owe me lady"

"Hazel stop that mess, you're gonna get your breakfast"

"Mhmm.. I know"

I stood up and made my way back the waiting room, a woman was sitting in the corner with her baby. He was tiny and so cute, I nudged King and smiled.

"That's going to me when Ava comes"

"That's going to be us"

"Yeah, I can't wait"

I sat down in the same seat I was sitting in before we went back. I took out my phone and replied to the message from Stacy. I looked up the moment a family came in, two parents and three kids. I kept doing what I was doing until the door opened next to me. Now there's a button on the wall, so if someone is handicap they press it and the door will open.

I looked expecting someone to come through, they never did. A few minutes later the door opens again and again. King tapped my thigh and shook his head.

"Bad ass little fucker"

"Mhmm.. a damn mess"

I looked at his mom who didn't do anything, he pressed the button again. And the doors swung open for the sixth time. I was started to get annoyed because I know his mom and his dad sees this. Plus he's old enough to know not to do this type of shit. The little fucker looked about eight or nine, old enough to know right from wrong.

"See I'd whoop his bad ass, keep pressing that damn button like he don't know no better"

I kicked King's foot because he said it loud enough for everyone to hear him. The lady looked at him and he nodded his head.

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