44. Birthday Fun?

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I leaned against the frame of my door and just stared at Tazo, Demetrius, Austin and Stacy. They showed up at my door at six in the morning with huge smiles on their face.

"Why are you guys smiling like that?"

"I see nipples, thighs and a little bit of ass. That's why I'm smiling, I don't know about them"

I crossed my arms and gave Austin the dirtiest look ever, he's really inappropriate. I don't know what I saw in him when I used to like him, all he speaks on is ass, titties and many other inappropriate things. I mean I did kind of open the door in a t-shirt with no bra. But Stacy called me and told me to open the door, I didn't know these assholes were here too.

"I've been up since three with Ava and she just fell asleep so I'm sorry to say this but y'all have to leave"

"Why? It's your birthday"

"So, it's too early. Come back later"

"Today's a busy day at the shop, so we won't be able to come back later"

"Okay that's fine"

It didn't make a difference to me anyway, my birthday is not a big deal..

"Can I give my god baby a kiss goodbye then?"

Stacy batted her eyes and poked her lip out, if only she knew how she looked being as though her eyelash was hanging off..

"You better not wake her up because I will send her with you cranky and all"

Stacy flagged me off and dragged me towards the room with her. I didn't need to follow her just so she could give Ava a kiss.

"Look at my baby she's so cute. Oh my mom bought her a bracelet with her name on it but you have to come get it"

"Why didn't you just bring it?"

"Because my mom really wants to see her"

"Okay, tell her I'll bring Ava by tomorrow afternoon"

We both froze when Ava started to stir in her sleep, that means it's time to go. I pointed to the door and Stacy frowned.

"But I didn't give her a kiss yet"

"Blow her one, let's go"

She sucked her teeth and blew Ava a kiss before we left the room. When we got back to the living room the guys were gone. I looked at her and she shrugged but she seemed like she was up to something.

"Why did they leave you?"

"I have no idea but I gotta go, love you baby. Happy birthday"

"Thanks, love you too. Are you atleast gonna come back later?"

"I can't, I'm overbooked the salon is going to be busy too. Sorry"

I was disappointed but I tried my best not to show it.

"Alright.. Its okay"

She hugged me quickly and rushed out of the door. I lied I'm a bit sad that no one is gonna be able to spend the day with me. I know I said it's not a big deal but man.. just knowing they won't be able to have lunch or dinner with me sucks.

I got up off the couch to see a sign on the wall that said happy birthday. I went towards the kitchen and I couldn't help but smile.

"Those sneaky bitches"

There was a cake and at least twenty one balloons on the counter. I busted out laughing at what they had put on the cake. Turn the fuck up! Thats so them, I would never be able to tell baker to put that on a cake. They even bought me gifts, the traditional gift of condoms and a bottle of some liquor I've never heard of before...

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