Ch 4: Decisions

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"Lets have a nice quiet talk..." Were the last words I heard before I got smacked on the back of my head and fell unconscious. 


I woke up feeling cold. I was chained down to an uncomfortable chair in a dark and empty room. 

I struggled as I tried to break free from the chains, but I only grew tired. 

"Struggling won't help, (Y/N)." Benicio said as he stepped into the room and turned on the dim light. 

"Yeah, I can see that." I said panting. "Where is agent Yuki and Will?" I was a little scared to know. 

"See for yourself." He smirked and pointing to one side on the room, where there was a window. On the other side of the window was Yuki. Boris was talking to Yuki and she was shouting back. I couldn't hear them though. 

Benicio also pointed to the other side of the room, where there was another window. Will was there yelling at one of Benicio's "buddies." 

"What are you doing to them?!" I shrieked, while trying to act as tough as I could. 

"Nothing." He started pacing across the room. "Just letting them decided between life and death. No big deal." He said smiling, his tone was as if this was a game to him. "You guys know too much. So I'm giving you three a decision, join my mafia, or...DIE." He declared as he took out his pistol and aimed it to my forehead. 

"Now lets see what your friends decided..." Drew smirked. I gulped, too scared to move.

We both took are gaze to Yuki and Boris. Boris had his gun also faced to her head. He said something and grinned. Again, I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could see the fear and dignity in Yuki's eyes. Yuki shouted something and Boris unremorsefully shot her. I gasped and shrieked. My skin turned pale white at the sight of Yuki...and her blank dead stare.

"I guess your friend didn't want to join us. Such pity." Benicio calmly said with a cold stare. I started to twitch. I had just see my friend get murdered. I looked down and started to silently weep. 

Another loud 'BANG!' shook the room. I lifted my head and quickly looked over to the window Will was behind. And just like Yuki...was now dead. His head was tilted to the left side of his shoulder. 

"How could you?!" I growled. Tears were streaming down my face. So was my mascara. 

"You don't have to end up like them. You can be smart and join my mafia." Benicio mentioned with a smirk. I didn't want to die but I didn't want to join them. They just killed my friends!  

The toughest decision I would have to face was right here and right now. 

"Fine." I hissed I looked down at the floor realizing I basically just joined everything I stand against. It was probably the worst thing I've ever agreed to. I hung my head in shame.

"Excellent. Your first mafia mission starts today." He declared as he put his gun back in this pocket. 

I hesitantly lifted my head. "What's my first mission?" I asked, still trembling from what I just had experienced. 

He gave me a malicious smile, "Get rid of your boss." He answered and started to walked to the door. 

"What?! He'll probably have me killed before I get though the front door!" I argued. 

"Well then. I'll send two others with you. Alice and Boris. You'll meet them in a bit." He untied the chains on me and walked out, closing the door. I was still shocked, I couldn't process anything at the moment.


 A few minutes later, a young women with devil horns and a shining halo walked in along side the wolf who killed Yuki. I couldn't help but snarl when I saw him.

"Come on lets go. We wouldn't want to keep your boss waiting! I'm Alice by the way, I'm sure we could become great friends." She beamed and led me to the door. What had I just agreed to?


Sorry for the short chapter I'm a bit busy, but I'll have Ch 5 by tomorrow (Hopefully.) See you next time!

                                                                                            -The Anonymous Scribe

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