Ch 7: Escaped From Death

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"This way please, (Y/N)." Miss Izzy signaled me to the end of the hall way, where my room was located. 

I entered and was amazed! A beautiful large queen size bed, fit perfectly for a queen. A small closet which was fine since I didn't have much clothes. Two big windows that gave me a perfect view of the garden in the back. And a chandelier hanging from the middle of my new room. At that moment I started thinking about MY home and family. I shook the thought away knowing I'll be back and see them again. I hope. 

"Well, is this okay for you, ma'am? I think Mr. Drew could find you another room if you pleased." Izzy asked standing by my door. 

"Oh no, this room is perfect! Thank you so much!" I responded excitedly. 

"Don't thank me, thank, Mr. Drew. He is the sweetest man I've ever met!" She said. 

"Are you sure we're talking about Benicio Drew? I don't think 'sweet' fits him, more like 'sour." I replied and scrunched up my nose. 

"You just need to get to know him better...And I think this new mission would be a perfect place to do so." Miss Izzy stated before walking out of my room. Yeah right.uij90 bn

(Time Skip: The Next Evening)

I was reading my favorite book when Alice barged into my room without even knocking. 

"Hello, Alice. What brings you here." I said as I turned the page. 

"Benicio is expecting you! You're going to make us late to the mission!" She scolded. Oh frick.

"I'll be down in a sec!" I quickly replied as I tried to find my coat. Alice rolled her eyes and walked away. I found my coat and ran. How could I forget?! I mentally yelled at myself until I reached the front door where everyone was waiting for me with a 'are you kidding me?' look on their faces. 

"Sorry." was all I said. They ignored me and each headed to their own cars. Sammy and Norman in a nice black one, Alice and Boris in the same red Lambo, and me and Benicio in a shiny grey one. 

"After you m'LATEy." Benicio sarcastically said as he held the right front door of the car open for me. 

"Sorry." I mumbled again and sat down in my seat. 

The car ride was a long, awkward trip of silence. But we finally made it to a very nice casino. 

"Is this the place?" I asked Benicio. He simply nodded then handed me a pistol, heavier than the last one I held. "What? You expect me to use this thing? I ain't firing another bullet, Drew." I stubbornly reclaim. 

"(Y/N), What I say goes. Got that? Good." Then he stepped out of the car. I can't believe this man. 

He parked behind the building in a place that was basically hidden. Then he turned to me and stated, "Just follow me, you won't have to shoot unless I say so. Alice and Boris are in charge of that. All we have to do is make it to the man's office, shoot, take whatever we please, then and get the hell out of there." He got out of the car so I followed him. 

He was so intimidating, I don't think any person would ever get the thought of love from him. We entered the building and everyone that was once in the casino, were now dead. It was obvious that Alice and Boris had already hit this area of the casino. 

'BANG BANG' There was more gun shots coming from a higher part of the building. "That would be them." He commented and lead me up the stairs. 

It took a while but we reached what I believe was the office of whoever this casino belonged to. The doors were already opened two men were already shot but a third person was hiding in a corner bleeding from his entire body. There was no sight of the man Benicio was looking for, and I knew that because, Benico was MAD. 

"WHERE IS HE!?" He yelled at the man in the corner. 

"I-I can't s-say." The bleeding man was able to make out. Benicio held a gun to his chest. "Tell me or I swear I will kill you and everyone you know." He threated. 

"You can't kill what's already dead inside." The bleeding man smirked looking Benicio straight into his eyes. "He's far from here, Drew." Benicio didn't hesitate and shot. Benicio growled at the dead body in front of him.

"He escaped. GOSH DARN IT!" Benicio banged his fist on the office desk. "C'mon let's go, we don't have all day!" We all scurried towards Benicio and headed to the front of the casino. 

I careful went around the dead bodies at the front. Then just as we made it to the front door, we heard sirens getting closer and louder. A few seconds later, Sammy and Norman pulled up in their black car. Sammy had his arm resting on the opened car window. 

"Hop in." Norman insisted. 

"Yeah, we know that!" Alice uttered and rolled her eyes. And with that, we all quickly got in and left the scene before the cops could arrive. 


(Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please let me know if you like me to add any of your ideas into the story!)


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