Ch 18: Get-away

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The police officer did not look impressed after I had accidently had hit his vehicle. I quickly locked the ambulance's doors so they wouldn't be able to come in.

"Somebody please stop her!" My mother cried and tried to stop me herself but the paramedic put an end to her fighting. I took this as an advantage and pressed on the pedal as hard as I could to catch up to Benicio and the rest.

 The police weren't  able to stop me at this point since they had no way of catching up to me. They just stared, deadpanned as I made an escape. They crowd was not happy so they started to shout and chant words I couldn't understand. The police that tried to stop me had to go over to them and clam them down.

I started heading down the street, praying that they didn't called more cops to come and arrest us for good this time. 

It took a few minutes but I finally was able to see a few cops standing near a streetlamp, out of breath. They didn't even make an attempt to stop me. I guessed Benicio and everyone else were up ahead then.

I drove slowly, turning my head left and right, to try and spot the mafia. And a few blocks ahead, there they were, looking as if they had just ran the marathon, twice. I snickered as I parked next to them. 

Alice was pacing back and forth, trying to catch her breath. Sammy and Norman were sitting on the sidewalk edge, Tom was rubbing his sore wrists since they had been handcuffed, and Boris and Benicio were both waiting impatiently. You could tell by the look on their faces.

"It only took a decade but at least you're here, right?" Benicio grumbled and he climbed in the vehicle. 

I scoffed, "You do realize I didn't have to come back for you, I could've left." I crossed my arms with my nose in the air.

He turned around and snorted, "And you do realize you agreed to stay with us or something would happen, correct?" He smirked which made we wince, I completely had forgotten I agreed to that. 

Alice entered in next, "Eh, don't listen to him, (Y/N)." Benicio overheard and rolled his eyes.

Everyone else piled in and I handed Norman the wheel since I'm no good in driving vans. I went and sat in the back, next to Alice who was chatting with Tom.

"Hiya, (Y/N)" Tom greeted and scooted to the side to make room for me. I gladly sat down. "I was just telling Alice I'll be leaving soon." 

"Oh, really? I thought you'd be staying." I assumed.

"Nope." He popped the 'p', "This whole mafia thing isn't for me. I rather do things my own way and alone." He smirked.

"I can understand that." I sighed and slouched on the seat.

Tom gave me a slight smile and a understanding nod. "I'm thinking of leaving tomorrow." He mentioned.  

"Awh, but you just came!" Alice whimpered. 

Tom smirked, "Don't miss me too much."


It took a while but we finally made it to Benicio's mansion. Everyone got out but Benicio and Tom. I was about to also leave and go inside, but Benicio stopped me and told me he wanted me to help him with something at his night club. I was confused but agreed. 

I stepped back in the ambulance and Tom drove us over. Benicio had to get his payment from Tom for helping him and had other things to take care of.

"Follow me (Y/N)." Benicio advised after we had stepped out of the vehicle, he lead me to the front of his office and let me wait outside of it while he and Tom got to business. 

I waited for a few minutes and finally saw the office door open, Benicio and Tom came out shaking hands. 

Tom pulled his fedora down a bit. "Say goodbye to Alice and the rest for me, (Y/N)." 

"I thought you were leaving tomorrow." I recalled, knitting my brows. 

He shrugged, "Meh, think it's best to leave today. I have a few things to take care of anyways."

"Well then, take care." I smiled. 

He smiled back, flashing his fangs, "Same too you!" Tom waved, me and Benicio waved back. The he left out the door.

"Well then, " Benicio stuffed his hands in his front pockets, "Won't you come in?" He directed me inside. I nodded and sat down on a chair near his desk. "I got a few things I'd like to discuses with you." He started.

"Oh? Like what?" I raised a brow and crossed my arms.

"How would you like to be my office assistant." He asked as he sat in his big chair behind his desk. 

"Well it's nothing like being a undercover agent, that's for sure." I muttered under my breath. 

"I guess I don't have to ask you, I'll just make you." He smirked. 

"Wha- You can't do that!" I protested and stood up. 

Benicio scoffed, "I most certainly can! As a matter of fact, you can started today." He declared and also stood up.

He walked over to a filling cabinet and started searching for something while I stared dumbfound.

He has a small 'eureka' moment as he pulled out a few files, "Here." He handed me about five different heavy files. I grumbled as I  walked back to my seat. 

I looked over the first few files and realized they had names on them. Names I've never heard of before. I mean like, come on! Cuphead! What kind of a name is that? 

I scanned the files a bit more and looked up, "Who ar-"

"People that owe me money." He quickly replied. I gave him a small, understanding nod. "I'll leave you too it then." He said and started walking out the door.

"Wait- What do I do with these?" I shook the files. 

"Um, locate the people. Then we came go collect the money- It's pretty simple if you ask me!" He reclaimed in a sneer.

I huffed and placed them under my arms to carry. "Can't I start tomorrow? I'm pretty tired after all that, you know." I yawned. 

Benicio grimaced, "Fine. But I better not see you procrastinate. And I also better see the files handed to me by the end of the week. Got that?"

I pulled a face, didn't say anything but gave him a wry nod.

"Good then. Let's go back."

Mob Boss (Benicio Drew x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now