Ch 17: Trouble

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(Deep breath in) I'msosorryIpublishedsolate,I'vebeenbusybutthat'snoexcuse! (Deep breath out) 

Hope you enjoy!



Red and blue flashing lights blinded me as I tried looking out of the car window. Cops were definitely here and they would not shut up!

"Step out of the vehicle with your hands in the air!! Return the girl safely to us! " One of them shouted from a megaphone. Benicio looked annoyed as he returned to his 'thinking face'. He was planning something I wasn't sure I wanted to be a part of.

Tom's ears were down, he looked as scared as I was. He was fiddling with his fingers and mumbling words under his breathe. Norman didn't look any better, his eyes were wide and seemed like he was waiting for Benicio to figure out a plan.

"Step out of the vehicle or well have to come for you!!" The police man was getting irritated with every time he had to repeat the same phrase. I shot Alice a worried glace, she gave me one back but she seemed to have determination in her eyes. 

Benicio turned to us, "Lets give them what they want." Was all he said before getting he stepped out of his car and put his hands in the air.

Alice made an 'o' with her mouth to show she understood and opened her door to do the same. I placed my hand on her back to stop her, "What are you doing!" I cried. 

She smirked, flashing her fangs, "Don't worry, Benicio always has a plan. Just go with it for now." She reassured. I wasn't so sure I could just trust those words but they gave me no choice. Everyone, Benicio, Boris, Alice, Tom, Sammy, and Norman were now outside, either with their hands in the air or behind their head.

I stared in horror as they put cuffs around everyone in the mob. 

Everyone in the crowd that was once peacefully eating in the steakhouse, were now clapping and cheering because the 'feared' mafia had been caught. I felt terrible! I mean I was suppose to catch Benicio and the rest a few weeks ago, but now they kind of felt like friends to me. 

I was still shocked, sitting in the back seat of the car that, that I didn't even notice that a police man and a paramedic were trying to talk to me, "Are you OK ma'am? Do you have family we could call? Did they hurt you?"

They kept asking question after question. My mind couldn't process it all at the moment. I wanted to help my friends! 

"I-I.." I started to stutter. 

"Don't worry ma'am, they can't hurt you anymore." The police reassured and helped me get on my feet. 

I shook my head, "They weren't-" 

"Follow me, miss. We'll get you checked out." The paramedic smiled as she took me by my hand and started moving me forward to the parked ambulance just outside of the restaurant. I was able to get a glimpse of a police man guarding Boris, Tom, Alice, Sammy and Norman as a second one was demanding answers from Benicio.  

I broke my hand free from her, "No! They-"

"(Y/N)!" A voice from the gushing crowd, I was familiarize with, rang in my head. I turned over to the crowd to search for the voice. "Oh my lord, (Y/N)!" The voice kept exclaiming until I saw a short lady from the crowd come forward. A police officer blocked her from coming any closer.

"Oh please, that's my daughter there!" The womeh explained. The officer nodded and lead her to me.

"Mom!" I cried and bent over to hug her. What was she doing here?!

"(Y/N), I'm so glad you're safe! What did they do to you!" She started fussing over me, checking for any bruises, or cuts. 

"I...I'm fine, mom." I stammered and gave her another tight, assuring hug.

She smiled back but then it dropped, "Did you hear? Everyone from the business you work at were killed! I was so worried, I thought you...died! But they couldn't find your body there so that gave me a bit of hope." Tears started streaming down her eyes. 

I wiped away her tears with my finger, "I'm fine mom! I'm here!"

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law!" A police started stating the Miranda warning to Benicio and his mob from where I could see. 

My mother 'tsked' and shook her head in disapproval. "Oh those, ruffians!" She began, "They deserve to be locked up for good!" She protested and raised her voice enough for Sammy to his head and look at her.

I stopped her and tried to explain, "No mom, they-"

A distance voice, that came from one of the police, interrupted me, "HEY! STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!!"

Everyone in the crowd started gasping and yelling. I turned to see what all of the commotion was about and it turns out, Benicio and the rest found a way to escape! HOW!? They no longer were cuffed, they were booking it down the street! About three police officers started to chase them, unable to use their cars because it appeared that someone had popped their wheels.

I stared in disbelief, "(Y/N)!" Benicio snapped and motioned me to look at the ambulance. I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me. 

"TAKE IT...HURRY!" Tom called out, trying to catch his breath as he ran down the street.

My eyes seemed to grow 2x their size, "Oh!" 

"(Y/N)! What is the meaning of this!" My mom tried to understand what the hell was happening, "Are you working with them!?" She grabbed me from my shoulders and shook me, expecting an answer. 

"(Y/N)!" Alice was about half a football field away but I could hear her shout clearly.

The police man and the paramedic both had a questioning look in their faces. "Ma'am, what's going on?" The police asked as he slowly walked closer to me and my mom. I started to tremble and felt sweat running down my face like it was 'Niagara Falls.' 

One moment I was standing, facing my own mother, a police man and a paramedic. The next, I was darting in the direction of the ambulance van. 

The keys were laying on the passenger seat so I grabbed them and started the engine. This. Was. Not. My. Day!

"Wh-HEY!" The police shouted and called over a few others. They started to chase me while I tired to figure out how to drive the vehicle. I slowly backed up using the van and accidentally crashed into one of the police's cars. I guess this is why you require a license to drive. 

Mob Boss (Benicio Drew x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now