Ch 15: Tom

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I was sitting in the silence for at least a day now. Pieces of bread were all around me. That shmuck didn't actually believe I could eat with my hands tied behind a poll, did he?  At least I had the dogs for company, even if they did howl ever 5-10 minutes and I would have to shush them up. Why couldn't Benicio seriously be any faster for my rescue?

I felt foolish. I couldn't escape, even after all that training I had to become an undercover agent! My father would've been out of here, stopped (C/N), and would have probably gotten an award from the president or something. But what do I know?


Once again I was asleep, lost in my own thoughts, but those dogs started barking for the hundred time already and woke me up by surprise. Just what I wanted. What I didn't expect was that someone was trying to open the door.

"Rats." Someone's muffled voice came from behind the door. I didn't recognize it.

It was silent for a few seconds and then it sounded like that person was...lock-picking? A few second later, the door was wide open and there stood a wolf with a mechanical arm. Before the dogs could do anything to him, he hit the right spot of their neck and they fell unconscious.

 I couldn't say for sure but I think it was Boris! "Thank heavens, Boris! What happened to your arm?! And can you...Untie me?" I showed the wolf my tie hands.

He snorted, "Name's Tom, m'lady. And this," He pointed to his mechanical arm, "Is a long story." Boris- err- Tom states as he tipped his fedora.

I blinked, surprise crossing my face, "Oh...But you are still helping me, right?" I bit of tension started building up in me.

He smirked, "Well you did help me first, might as well return the favor!"

"Uh, I did?" I had a puzzled look on my face.

He chuckled and came over to untie me with a pocket knife he had, "Benicio told me about the device and how you pitched in ta help rescue me," I made a little 'o' in surprise. He finished cutting the rope and helped me stand up, "Gee, I guess this is the part I say thanks." he shrugged with a small smile.

"That wasn't a problem! I should be thanking you, I couldn't take it any longer with these dogs." I pointed a thumb at the two unconscious mutts. 

"We'll we better get out the sooner we can, it won't take that lion too long ta figure out you're gone." He stuffed his hands in his front pockets and guided me out of the basement. He held a finger to his lips once we were out of the basement. I nodded.

We went through some empty halls, "Moon Man, go check on the girl and make sure she eats. I don't a dead body on my hands." (C/N) roared from another hall.

"Y-yes, of course, sir!" Moon Man stuttered.

We both heard someone's foot steps coming toward us. Moon Man.

Tom signaled me to follow him inside a room that was unlocked, I quickly went inside and closed the door. The sound of footsteps went past us and then started to faintly disappear. 

Tom peeked out of the door, "Clear. C'mon, before he tells his boss you're gone." 

A few halls later, I could see the front door! 

"WHAT!?" (C/N)'s voice boomed from where he was. Guess Moon Man already, spoiled the news.

My eyes widened and I froze. Tom didn't waste anytime. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front door. At that moment, I didn't even care I was being yanked across the room like I always did. I wanted to get the heck out of there!

We busted threw the door and raced out of there. A black car pulled up, one of Benicio's cars! 

"Took ya long enough!" Benicio had his window rolled down and scolded us. Norman was driving this time and Sammy was sitting at the front passengers seat. The rest of the mafia was cramped in the back. 

"Not the time, Drew! We got a lion on our tails!" Tom snapped. Benicio scoffed back. 

Everyone inside made room for me and Tom. And we were off!

I started to relax a bit and was about to scold Benicio for leaving me with the (C/N) and Moon Man but then the sound of shooting, not far behind, kept me on edge.

All of us at the back seats, shifted our view and looked behind us. (C/N) and Moon Man were driving right behind us, trying to pop our wheels with bullets!

"Well, that's a pile of moonrocks!" Beinico gritted his teeth, "Step on it, Norman! You have one job!" Norman rolled his eyes and pressed harder on the pedal. At this point, we were going over 100 miles per hour on an empty road and (C/N) was doing the same. What did he even want from us so bad?!

Benicio handed me a pistol, "Just shoot their wheels!" He had to yell a bit from all of the commotion there was. I nodded warily and turned to an open window. Boris was already shooting from the left side of the car so I took the right. I was a scared to shoot because I've never pulled a trigger while in a moving vehicle. 

It felt like I was the only one not helping at the moment. I hesitantly shot. 'SCREEE' Their car was drifting to the side of the road. 

Did I hit a wheel?! I peeked and realized I shot the front glass of (C/N)'s car. 

"Heh, well that's one way to do it." Benicio chuckled.

We watched the lion climb out of his grey car, "YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING PALOOKAS!!" (C/N)'s aggressive voice slowly fade as we drove farther away.

We all shared quite a laugh around the car and things seemed to have become less tense.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Sammy turned around to face me with a concerned look.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I assured.

 I shared my unpleasant experience with (C/N). And Tom explained why (C/N) had held him captive. Turns out he and (C/N) had bad history, so Tom asked Benicio end the lion. But, the lion quickly found out what Tom was planning and decided to captured him instead. 

It was a nice ride back to Benicio's house and everything seemed to be fine now. Sammy and Norman were saying cheesy puns, Alice was fussing over my safety, and Benicio, Tom and Boris were talking about business. Not a worry in mind.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I can't wait for next week!


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