Ch 19: Lovers in Crime

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After a long time out, the two of us finally came back to Benicio's house. When I crawled on my bed, I quickly fell dead asleep. 

But then, not to long after, I must have dreamt something crazy or frightening because I woke up, shaking, cold, and sweating a bit. I wasn't even gonna try and remember the dream. I decided to go downstairs and drink a glass of water because...why not.

It was about 11:00 pm from what my clock informed me. I was quietly making my way downstairs, trying my best not make noise while passing by everyone's bedrooms. I tip-toed my way to the kitchen, but just as I was about to enter, I saw dim candle light coming from the large dinning room. With curiosity, I forgot about the water I was planning to drink, and slowly lingered to the dinning room.

I poked my head to the dinning area, just a tad, to be able to see what the candle lights were all about. 

Benicio walked around the dinning table which was full of food, he was organizing silverware. He also carefully set two wine glasses, two plates, two bowls, lit a few more candles and placed them on the wood table. I knitted my brows in confusion and attempted to carefully peek my head out, just a bit more, but my terrible coordination and clumsy self, caused me to trip over and fall: face first. 

"Oh sho-!" 'THUD' 

Caught by surprise, Benicio cringed at the sudden loud noise and turned around to see me flat on the floor. His shocked face turned into a smirk. "What? Trying to spy on me?" He teased and put his hands on his hips.

"No! Never!" I scoffed, waving his idea off. I stood up and dusted myself. "I was just gonna get water and I just happened to tumble over here." I joked and gave him a teasing grin.

"Well," He pulled out a chair. "Good thing you did. I was just about to go and call you over."

"For what?" I tilted my head to the side and waited for a reply. "Business?" I assumed and groaned.

Benicio snorted and crossed him arms, "I like your thinking, but no. I'm being generous and not giving you any more work to do." He winked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Alright, so what?" I questioned and crossed my arms.

"For starters, I didn't get to finish my dinner over the entire 'fiasco.'" He addressed it as if it was my fault, which I guess kind of was. 


"Well, you didn't even get to order. I saw it as unfair so I cooked us dinner." Benicio announced showing me all the food on the table he probably just bought prepared. There was, what appeared to be tomato soup, a few slices of French bread, roasted beef, and a ceaser salad, lightly seasoned with a pound of salad seasoning.

I chuckled at his ridiculous excuse. "Nobody else got to finish their food and Alice also wasn't able to order." I pointed out. "What game are you trying to play, Drew?" I teased and as a joke, shook my head disapprovingly. 

"Okay, so I may want to have dinner with you. Sue me!" He admitted and threw his hands up in defeat. 

I took a seat in the one he offered and grabbed a slice of freshly cut bread. "I guess it's to late to back out now." I stated, stuffing my mouth my food. 


We ate in silence for a while, until Benicio broke it by asking me a question, "Who's that old lady you were hanging out with earlier?"

I frowned, "I wasn't 'hanging out' with her, she happens to be my mom who was very worried about me." I couldn't blame her, "And now I feel absolutely terrible for leaving her again without a second thought or chance to explain to her." I confessed.

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