Ch 9: Benicio and Me

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(Hello, everyone, time for a new chapter! Hope you enjoy it!)

P.s (H/C) = Hair color


I kind of have feelings for Benicio, but I don't know. I'm probably going crazy...

I was a little worried about who this 'enemy' of theirs was. If Benicio acts this horrible, I wonder much worst could their new rival could be! I kept that thought with me all night, I couldn't even fall asleep knowing that I was soon going to face this new 'evil character.' I mean, nobody else seemed scared or anything so it's probably nothing to worry about. 

(Time skip: Next morning)

'Knock knock' I woke up to the sound of my door knocking. I grumbled as I forced my self to the door, messy hair and all. 

"What?" I annoyingly asked once I opened the door, to barley be able to see who it was through the small crack. It was *gags* Alice. I didn't feel like interacting with another person at the moment. 

"Good morning, (Y/N)! I just came to make sure you look presentable for later!" She said in a cheerful voice. 

"Sorry but I don't need your help. I can mange just fine on my own, thank you very much." I started closing my door but Alice still barged inside. Ugh. Leave me alone!

"Honey, you need me! Have you looked in the mirror? Even your shadow ran away just by looking at you!" She teased. 

I frowned, "Thank you but no thanks. Get out." I pointed to the door and motioned her to leave. I didn't have time for this. 

"Fine then." She shrugged, "Au revoir!" Alice waved 'goodbye' but then turned around again and kept on talking. "Oh! I almost forgot, Benicio wants to take you somewhere before the mission. I donno where, just looks nice and you'll be fine!" She smiled before finally leaving. 

"Wait! Is this for the mission or a d-a-t-e?!" I asked, saying 'the word' letter by letter. You could tell by my voice, I freaking out. 

She looked at me and smirked, "Like I said, I don't know." She waved me off and walked off again. 

I started panicking! If this was a date what do I do? How the frick do I act? And WHY?! 

I quickly got changed and started to comb my hair. I had a red sparkly dress, shiny black heels, a red purse to math my dress and curly (H/C). I was ready. 

I was sitting on my bed when someone knocked on the door. It was probably Benicio about to take me out. I jumped to my feet, walked to the door and opened it. It was Sammy. 

"Oh, Hello. What do ya want?" I asked disappointedly and went to sit on my bed again. 

"Me and Norman were wondering if you wanted to bake cookies with us. Before the mission. Ya know, to get to know ya better!" He chirped, still standing outside my room. 

"Sorry, I have something to do before the mission." I replied. 

"Like what?" He questioned, his smile fell. 

"Benicio is taking me out for business or something. It's none of your beeswax." I answered about to close the door in his face. 

"Huh? Benicio didn't say anything about that. He's really busy with the nightclub, I don't think he would even have time to take you anywhere. Who told you he was?" Sammy crossed him arms, before starting to leave. 

"Alice. She said h-" I stopped and realized that she lied to me! "Would you hold my purse? Thanks!" I shoved my red purse into Sammy's arms, he gave me a questioning glace before I took off and raced to Alice's room.

"Alice, what the hecc!?" I yelled once I kicked her door open. I started throwing curse words at her. She had a huge grin placed on her face. I wanted nothing more than to smack it off!

"Oh look, it's you! You ready for your night out?" She started laughing hysterically, almost dropped herself to the floor. I took my heels off and threw them at her forehead with great force. 'THUD 

"THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She screamed rubbing her forehead, and threw her heels at me! 

Throwing shoes ending up in throwing punches. 

"Woah woah woah! Calm down, angel!" Norman cautioned as he entered the room with Sammy and Boris behind him. Benicio probably heard all the ruckus because he came inside Alice's room looking furious

"ENOUGH!" He demanded. We all froze and turned around to face him. "Our mission is in 1 hour and ya'll are acting like children!" He crossed his arms and shot us with a death stare. 

"Well I mean (Y/N) started it." Alice explained and pointed her finger at me. 

"Wha- Did not !" I spat back. 

"Like I said, stop acting like your 4 year old's!" Benicio repeated. "I don't care who started what. JUST GET READY AND ACT PROFESSIONAL!" He hissed, before leaving. 

We all stopped dumbfounded. Boris broke the silence after a while, "Come on,.. lets get ready." 


(Hello, people! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have to go to class now, see ya next time! Sorry if there are any misspellings or stuff, I needed to finish this quick and don't have time to edit right now but I will later!)


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