Ch 3: Mission Failed

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(Y/N)'s POV

I wondered where Benicio Drew could be as I a wandered around the night club. He was probably at the V.I.P lounge, where all of the rich people hanged out.

 "Curses! I don't have enough the money." I murmured when I reached inside my purse to not only be greeted by a stick of gum and pocket lint for some reason. Then to realize that the V.I.P lounge was FREAKIN expensive! 

I deiced to look for Yuki and ask her for money to be able to buy my way in.

"Yuki!" I waved when I saw her sitting down, looking around the club. 

"(Y/N), did you find him?" She asked and motioned me to sit down with her. 

"Yesn't." I answered. She stared at me with a blank face. "I figured that Drew must be in the V.I.P lounge. We might not see him down here all night if we stay down here with all the 'common folk'." I whispered and made air quotes. 

"Good point. I'll go tell Will. Can you go buys us 3 V.I.P tickets?" She said standing up from her seat. 

"It's $500 each. I don't have the money!" I commented sheepishly. 

"Fine, take this." She responded throwing me her purse. "My wallet is in the second compartment." She added walking off. "If you lose it, oh so help me I'll-" She was then swept by the crowd of people moving towards the dance floor. I was surprised she trusted me with her purse, it made me feel special. 

(Time Skip) 

I had bought the three tickets and walked to find Will and Yuki, waiting for me in front of the V.I.P lounge. "Time to catch a Mob Boss." I said to them with a grin. 

No One's POV:

"The three people, you told me about earlier, just bought V.I.P tickets together. Then went in the lounge and separated as if they didn't even know each other." Boris stated as he entered his brother's office.

 "Interesting. Go have Sammy make small-talk and gather info about them, I'll be right there."  The demon replied. 

Boris simply nodded and walked away to find Sammy. 

"I wonder if the three would like to play a little game." He grinned. 

(Y/N)'s POV:

Wow! The VIP lounge was way better than downstairs. I was surrounded by rich looking people with fancy clothes, I looked poor compared to them. 

We separated once again and tried to find Benicio. I sat down across the room Yuki and watched people talk. I searched for Drew's face in the crowd. Nada

I was about to stand up, and try looking at another place, when a tall man with brown hair, sat right next to me. 

"Good afternoon, Miss. Are you enjoying your time?" He welcomed me. 

"Oh. Of course! Everything looks lovely." I smiled. 

He smiled back. His smile was nice and gave off a good aura. "That's great to hear! If you excuse me, ma'am I must go. I have friends waiting." He excused himself and pushed in his chair. 

"(Y/N). My name is (Y/N)." I blurted without even thinking. I realized I did and blushed from embarrassment. I barely knew this man yet here I was, telling him my name.

"Well, nice to meet you, (Y/N)!" He beamed then walked away. Nice man. 

I saw him go to the back of the room and talk to someone who I couldn't see clearly from where I saw sitting. 

The man I was talking to earlier left through a hallway but the man he was talking to started walking towards me. When I was finally able to see the man's face, I realized it was Benicio Drew. Look at that, I caught my bait. I grinned as Benicio sat down with me. 

I would try my best to act as normal as possible. Then, when Yuki and Will would come, we would arrest him right there on the spot. This was gonna be child's play, he almost made it too easy for us!

"How are you tonight, lovely?" He asked once he came over and sat across the table from me. 

"I'm very well, thank you." I replied while I looked around for Yuki or Will and signal them to come over. 

"Who you looking for, doll face?" He asked. 

"Just a few friends I'm meeting up with." I looked at him and smiled. 

"The more the merrier." Benicio replied with a smirk. 

Yuki passed by and stared at me. She looked at Drew's face then became very excited and proud. "Oh there she is! Yuki, I have someone I would like you to meet." I signaled her over and she came. 

"Hello there, lovely lady." Drew said as he pulled her a chair. She smiled and waved. Some people started to leave the lounge. Which was good news for us, we could catch him without making a huge scenario. 

After a while, I realized that the entire lounge was empty. Will was off to the side and started to walk over to us. Perfect. 

Me and Yuki stood up and circled Drew.

"Benicio Drew, you are under arrest all the crimes you have committed. Which are...A lot." Yuki declared as she stood up with cuffs in her hand, ready to arrest him. 

"You have the right to remain silent-" She began, but was interrupted.

Benicio also stood up and pushed in his chair, "Sorry, lovelies. But in my club, I make the rules. I don't get arrested." He smirked.

Two others, a wolf and the tall man from earlier, both walked into the V.I.P lounge with guns. One in each hand. I gulped.

Benicio pulled out his own two guns and faced them to me and Yuki. The Wolf faced his guns to Will and the tall man, who's name I never caught, also faced them to me and Yuki. Seems that I'm terrible at reading auras...

"Frick." I mumbled and put my hands up in the air. So did Yuki and Will. Will seemed more annoyed than the two of us. 

"So you're (Y/N), right?" Benicio asked when he searched through my purse and took out my ID. "Oh wait, sorry. I meant Agent (Y/N)." He snickered. "Lets have a nice quiet talk. But lets just say, this could end in two ways..." 

Oh lord, I knew this wasn't going to end good-

Mob Boss (Benicio Drew x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now