Ch 5: I'm Sorry.

911 21 5

(Hello my lovely people! I'm back and writing again! Hope you enjoy this short chapter!)



Alice and Boris led me to a beautiful red Lamborghini just outside of the building. I gotta say, I was a bit jealous of it. 

"Get in. Don't leave single scratch or mark, ya hear?" Boris muttered to me. I quickly nodded and carefully sat at the back seat. Boris and Alice sat in front. 

Alice put some sunglasses on. "Hit the pedal, Bor." We were off.

(Time Skip)

We reached the office I work at, err, the office I used to work at. I felt the butterflies inside my stomach flutter harder than they ever had. My head still flashed with the memories of Yuki and Will being murdered. I quivered. 

We all got out and stood in a alley close to the office. "Alright then, darling. Time to get to work!" Alice smiled. 

"Okie Dokie, then..." I mumbled wearily.

"Here. Take this and shoot whoever is inside." Boris handed me a pistol larger than my hand.

I stared at it. "Oh. I-I don't know how-"

"Doesn't matter if you do or don't. It's simple. Pull the trigger. Done." He rolled his eyes. Okay then...


Boris and Alice busted through the front door, holding guns and facing them to the people inside of the building. While I just stood awkwardly behind them. One by one, Boris and Alice shot everyone they saw. No mercy. People screamed and attempted to run away but were unsuccessful. Some tried to shoot back but missed, then they would get shot back by Boris or Alice. 

I was just holding my gun but never shot. I was too much of a baby to shoot my former co-workers. Not only that, but I had remorse!

'BANG' Someone shot someone, and that someone who got shot...was Boris. His arm was bleeding and looked terrible. Well, it was technically ink. Not blood. But what's the difference?

He growled but was still able killed the person who shot him. Alice kicked the dead shooter in the face. Boris was holding his paw to the wound, but no matter the pressure he applied, the ink still gushed between his fingers and oozed under his paw. 

We still made it to my former bosses office without any difficulty after that. 

"This is your job to finish, we got you here now just shoot the man." Boris uttered with a cold voice, still holding his paw to his wound. 

Alice opened the door and they both had their guns pointed to Mr. Roger who was in the middle of drinking his tea. 

My former boss looked terrified. Scared stiff. "Y/N, y-you don't have to d-do this!" He stuttered while standing up. 

"What do y-you want? Money? I-I have it! Y-you can have it, have it all!" He pleaded raising his hands to where we could see them. I turned to Alice, she gave me 'The Look' which I'm guessing meant, "Just shoot already!" 

"I...I'm sorry." I stammered, trembly raising my gun so it was aiming at his forehead. 

He had a petrified look in his eyes. A final tear ran down his cheek before I pulled the trigger. 'BANG' I shot and dropped my gun. Staring at the cold dead body laying on the floor right in front of me. 

I covered my face, ashamed of what I've become in only...two hours.

"Looks like our work here's done. C'mon, (Y/N.) Benicio should be expecting us by now." Alice cheered before taking Boris by the arm and walking out Mr. Rogers office. 

"I...I'm s-sorry." I stammered again before looking at my dead former boss then following behind Alice and Boris.

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