Chapter 22: Dork

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Kagami was desperate, nearly ripping her hair out with her own hands. Seeing Adrien and Marinette together... It was just too much to handle for her. She wanted to hurt someone, something... She wanted to scream.

Hell, she wanted to burn something...

Fencing was something for her and Adrien, her and Adrien ONLY! How could he share something so precious with Marinette!?

She sat on her knees, crying and yelling at the same time. "I HATE YOU!" She screamed, directed towards Marinette. "I. HATE. YOU." She hugged herself, slamming her fist on the floor as she cried her eyes out. Adrien wasn't done with her...

He couldn't be...


"It's so nice to see you again, Adrien." Sabine said, Marinette's lips parted. "Y-you've met my parents..?" She asked, her eyes slightly widened. Adrien chuckled, "He came looking for you one day, but you weren't here." Tom said standing next to his wife.

"Anyway, who's up for some pizza?" Sabine asked cheerfully and Adrien grinned. Marinette smiled a little, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear as she grabbed Adrien's hand and followed her parents to the kitchen table. Still a bit confused and overwhelmed, when did he come looking for her?

They all sat down as Tom placed the two large pizzas onto the table, it smelled amazing... And Adrien hadn't had such a great home cooked meal in a while. It was always some sort of proportional meat slices with some veggies and a bit of carb-filled food with protein.

Marinette giggled as he took in the delicious scent. He was really happy Marinette had offered him to come here, and he was grateful her parents were as kind and welcoming as they were. Marinette picked up a slice, as he dove in himself.

Sabine had two pieces, Tom had six, and Marinette had one. He placed two pieces on his plate, and eventually grabbed a third slice. Him and Marinette were taking about school things, when he overheard a few words in Chinese from Tom and Sabine.

"He's a sweet boy, I think Marinette really likes him." Sabine explained in chinese.

Tom chuckled. "He does seem like a good kid, but I'm pretty sure he's the one who's over the moon for her. He's showed up twice now, he has good intentions." Tom said in the language. The parents glanced at him. "He's a keeper." Sabine said.

"Thank you." Adrien said in Chinese, Sabine's lips parting and Tom's eyes widening slightly. As of he were a deer in the headlights. Marinette furrowed a brow, she only knew a few words in Chinese... She wondered what the hell they were talking about.

She felt left out... She should've kept practicing her Chinese.

"You speak Chinese?" Tom asked , quite intrigued. Adrien chuckled, "I speak most of it, I've been learning it since I was thirteen." Adrien explained and Sabine smiled. "Well that's great, maybe you could teach Marinette some of you have time."

Adrien looked at the beautiful girl beside him, a smile curling across his lips. "I'd love to." He said and Tom looked at Sabine with a knowing look.

"Thank you for having me, Mr. And Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." Adrien said respectfully, Sabine smiled. "It was no problem, thank you for coming." Tom nodded, " We hope to see you soon." He said, allowing his daughter to walk him out.

"Dinner was great Marinette. Thanks for inviting me." Adrien said, Marinette shrugged. "I figured maybe you'd like a break from the modeling diet or restaurants... Besides, you can't go wrong with pizza." She said.

He sighed, "Certainly can't. You can't go wrong with blueberries either..." He said with a wink, Marinette shook her head before she giggled. "T-that was... Terrible. Do you look this stuff up or something?" She asked.

"Nope. It's all in here." He said pointing to his brain, his driver pulling up outside of the bakery. He sighed and opened the car door, "I guess I'll see you later blue, talk to you tomorrow at school?" He asked, Marinette nodded. "See you." She waved as he shut the door. Smiling at her through the window pane of the limo.

After about a minute after he drove off, she sighed and allowed herself to blush. Clutching her chest as she thought about him, a smile on her rosy face. She stepped back into the bakery, locking the door before she headed to her room.

She fell flaccid across her bed and hugged her pillow. Still thinking about him. There was no way she could keep a secret from herself now... She liked him. She really liked him. Alya was right the whole time.  But... They weren't enemies with benefits. They still hasn't kissed, not even once.

She sighed, wondering why her heart ached every time she just thought about him. She closed her eyes, a smile spreading across her lips as she grabbed her phone and went to her contacts.

She knew she had just said goodbye... But inviting him over for a movie night wouldn't hurt.

Adrien smiled as he thought about Marinette, his heart ached for her. But he had gotten quite used to it by now... He got a notification on his phone and pulled it out of his pocket. It was Marinette.

M: Movie night tomorrow at my place?

He smiled at the text and opened the message:

A: Of course. ;-)

Marinette giggled when she opened the text, she could literally picture him winking, the goofball. She only replied with one word, and left it at that.

M: Dork.

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