Chapter 16: Boy Problems

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Marinette placed her book onto the counter for returning. Offering the librarian a small smile but it didn't reach her eyes. "How was the book?" Mrs. Banwell asked, referring to the romance book The Sun Is Also a Star.

Marinette shrugged slightly, "I... I didn't want to finish it." She said softly, looking down. Mrs. Banwell furrowed a brow, "You always finish your books... What's wrong dear?" Marinette shook her head slightly, "Just... Boy problems..." She admitted sheepishly.

They librarian smiled a little, staring at the book. "Does this boy happen to be the same boy you were tutoring a month ago?" Marinette's lips parted, looking up at Mrs. Banwell. "H-how did you know?" She asked, genuinely interested.

"I know chemistry when I see it." She retorted, scanning the book for return. "What's the problem with him anyway?" She asked, Marinette looked to the side.

"There's this girl who really hates me because she likes him... This whole misunderstanding happened because of her  and now I'm just not sure what to do anymore..." Marinette said, and the librarian nodded in understanding.

"Well... You could either be miserable for a few weeks until you're over him, or you could push that bitch out of the way and not let her stop you." Marinette's eyes widened, "Mrs. Banwell!" She whisper yelled and the librarian chuckled.

"You heard me loud and clear dear. Do what you gotta do, starting now." Marinette stood there, as Mrs. Banwell shooed her away, grabbing her back pack and heading out of the library, wondering which way to go.

One part of the side walk led to Adrien's mansion, and the other part of the sidewalk led to the bakery. She took her chances, sprinting to Adrien's mansion. Little did she know... Adrien happened to be heading to the bakery, hoping to find her and tell her what had happened.

By the time Marinette had gotten to the Agreste mansion, her ponytail was a mess and her knees were slightly scabbed due to tripping a couple of times the way there. She tried to catch her breath, ringing the button beside the gate.

A security camera popped and she jumped back, "Who are you?" Someone said, the camera zooming in on Marinette's face. "U-umm... I'm Marinette. One of Adrien's friends, I was wondering if I could speak to him please?" She asked shyly.

They gate opened, to her surprise. "Please wait a moment." The voice said, and Marinette slowly walked into the gate before it closed automatically. A woman with blue hair and a streak of red hair opened the double doors, and Marinette walked inside.

Gabriel Agreste stood at the entry of the steps, staring at the girl in what seemed like disgust. She only wore a big t-shirt and shorts, her hair pulled into a messy ponytail and her shoes slightly dirty. She was barely presentable and he was wondering if he should allow Adrien to continue to be around the fools at his school.

He cleared his throat, "What's your name and what is your business with my son?" He asked coldly, and Marinette shivered. This was Adrien's father? The man she looked up to as a professional designer? Marinette stared up at him.

"My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Adrien and I are... Friends." She decided, Gabriel furrowed a brow and looked at her with what seemed uncertainty. "More like acquaintances..." She cringed, hoping she didn't sound too unbelievable.

"Why are you here?" He asked sharply and Marinette felt her chest tighten, gulping. "I wanted to maybe talk to him?" She said, as if it was a question. Gabriel frowned, "I'm allowing him to go to school already. Isn't that enough? Can't it wait?"

He turned around, folding his hands. "Adrien already spends enough time with you insignificant fools." He spoke harshly, "In fact, it'd be best if you stay away from my son as much as possible. You're the exact type of influence I don't want him to be around."

Marinette felt her heart pound, as if she'd just been stabbed. "Leave." Gabriel said, she looked behind her, not letting the assistant see the tears in her eyes as she walked out of the mansion doors and out of the gates. She walked home.

Adrien sighed as he walked back home, her parents seemed to be really nice, warm and welcoming which was the exact opposite of his father. They insisted he have a chocolate croissant since he was Marinette's friend and they didn't want him leaving without anything.

He wondered where Marinette was right now. He wondered if she was still sad from what had happened at the party. Frankly, he was heart broken now that he had found out Kagami kissed him. Just the thought of it made him want to scrub his lips.

But it also made him want to just grab Marinette by the hips and kiss those beautiful pink glossed lips. He had wanted her for so long it felt like he could never get over her now that she had finally started to take a liking to him.

But Kagami had ruined practically all of his progress.

Marinette was the type of girl to march down to someone's house and tell them how she felt if she really liked them. But the sad truth was, she hadn't. Well... She had but not that he knew of... Yet.

He sighed as he entered his home, his father nowhere in sight as Natalie simply opened the doors for him. He walked back to his large yet lonely room, and stared out of the window. That's when he saw a beautiful bluenette, crying her eyes out as she walked down the side walk.

Adrien's eyes widened as he pressed his hands against the glass, racing back out of his bedroom and down the stairs.

Adrien's eyes widened as he pressed his hands against the glass, racing back out of his bedroom and down the stairs

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